My Podcast
My Podcast
Podcast 4 hours, 114 MB
*Christopher: Jack Burton, Truck Driver
*Corina: Sarah Connor, Terrorist/Resistance
*Dave S: Mark Straight, Survivalist
*Dave W: Ashley "Ash" J Williams, S-Mart Sales Associate
*Eric: "Doc" Brown, Temporal Scientist
*Mark convinces Cordelia Hicks to fight Combine
*Terminator-style Hunter Killer wanders by. Everyone hides Mark hides under truck. HK starts destroying vehicles. Mark rides off with HK in pursuit. Mark loses HK.
*PCs take Cordelia's truck back to Trinity Springs
*Next day we start over and PCs reach Colorado Springs
*Searching for clues: attack by Brain Eater (Ash picks up Mental Shield); attack by Lurker (Ash gets car, Eric picks up sneaking enhancement)
*Find mad priest. He and Mark go off and priest knocks out Mark. Priest attacks rest of group but is quickly defeated. Rescue teenager.
*Go to kids hideout where they tell PCs where kidnapper went (west).
*Defeat Brain Eater: 1 Red Chip
*Defeat Priest: 1 Blue Chip
*Finding Kids: 1 White Chip
*Christopher: Survival (Ruined Cities)
*Corina: Extra Sleep (-1); Free Point
*Dave S (+1 for RP'ing): Theology (Fundamentalist Christian); Diplomacy
*Dave W: Solar Power
*Eric: Search
Saturday, June 11, 2011
#52. HoE #10 | Red Reckoning p3