GORF Podcast
GORF Podcast
Podcast: 4-1/4 hours, 65 MB AAC
Christopher: Jack Burton, Truck Driver
Corina: Sarah Connor, Terrorist/Resistance Leader
Dave S: Martin Straight, Survivalist
Dave W: Ashley "Ash" J Williams, S-Mart Sales Associate
Donald: Octavia Octavious, Highlander
Eric: "Doc" Brown, Temporal Scientist [not present]
Mary: Mary, Frontier Docto
Sophia: BFG, Big Friendly Guard Dog
Chase Combine back to Denver
Siege of Denver
Smuggle Explosives to Resistance
Investigate St Louis for expected Alliance reinforcements
Deader hordes
Chase through the sewers
Ride in a Spice Worm
Denver: Deaders vs Everyone
Start fight with Raven…
Christopher: Tactics
Corina: DX
Dave S: Combat Reflexes
Dave W: Melee Weapon (Axe/Mace)
Donald: Throwing
Eric: n/a
Mary: Mechanic (Helicopter)
Sophia: Running
Saturday, March 01, 2014
#91. HoE #49 | Unity p2