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Today I spent my time avoiding my main project in order to fix some less urgent tasks. I brought up an API (Application Programming Interface) up to division standards, then I rewrote the documentation, making it clearer and adding some examples of usage. I also checked my code to delete dependencies on non-approved packages.

But my main project is still to write a web-based reporting engine (and its corresponding reports) that uses JSP on the back end and works with our standard packages. There are a few dependencies. One is how I integrate and use the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) package that the foundation group developed. Second is to use a third-party tool to generate the graphics, so I need the package and current documentation. And the third is to actually find out how I can display the graphs to a use without using an Applet.

Unfortunately the internal web sites that I needed were down, so I didn't get as much done as should have. That's really no excuse, as I'm getting way behind. Monday I really have to start coding no matter what; the foundations and basic structure. I know enough about JSP and the other packages I need to use to at least code to an interface. I really have to be careful not to fall apart and not do this, keep procrastinating and doing other things that aren't as vital.

It's one of my really bad habits, where I keep refusing to do the things I have to do and instead do things that I should do but that aren't as important. Probably I would do better if I had a partner depending on me, cause that is an incentive -- don't screw your friends by taking them down with you. I'm being melodramatic. Just have to start doing my job and everything will turn out fine...

Ok, what's the deal with making a commercial web site called yupi.com? From the tv commercial it seems to be geared for Spanish-speakers, but pronounced "you-pee"? Doh!...

This brings up the point that there are an awful lot of ".com" commercials running lately. And there will probably be even more. I suppose I don't mind too much, but I'm not prepared to do everything via the web. I'll still go to stores and trust businesses with real offices more than shoestring-funded web site operations. I do use the web a lot, but mostly for electronic-type things. Maybe someday we'll do everything on the web, but I think eventually it'll balance out and doing things by physically being there will not ever totally go away...

Seeing a story on Elian Gonzalez on tv, seeing how well he's been treated by well wishers. Taken to theme parks, entertained by David Copperfield, getting lots of presents. There's this echo in my mind of people who complain that we as a society are so morally bankrupt because we shower so much attention on the unusual cases, the ones in the news, and ignore the multitude of people who are genuinely in trouble, who are discriminated against, who are taken advantage of, who are ignored. How can we help some people and not help others and yet tell other countries what they should do?

And I'm disgusted by that attitude. We should be seeing the good that people do. We should be glad that some people are being helped, even if others aren't. We are not going to be able to treat everyone the same, to help everyone equally, to be just to all. And instead of just treating everyone equally badly, some people are inspired to help others. Not all others, but at least one or two or a few. I've always been proud of my charitable contributions and of the people I've helped without recompense. And instead of focusing on the fact that I don't these particular causes and these ideals or peoples, I focus on the fact that I have helped some people. That at least I've made the attempt at making the world a better place rather than being selfish and self-focused. The vast majority of people are like me, and I'm glad that we care enough to help in our own ways.

Copyright (c) 2000 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: August 17, 2004
Page Last Updated: August 17, 2004