kcw | journal | 2004 << Previous Page | Next Page >>
I haven't written in a long time and many things have happened so I'll go quickly. First thing is that I finally went and got a smog check for my car. It failed the first time because the check emission system light has been on for well over a year. They took a look at it and found that one of the hoses was torn. Once that was fixed my car passed (it would have still barely passed if it hadn't been fixed but you can't have any check engine lights on).

Wednesday night before DunDraCon my PowerBook G4 broke. One of the LCD screen hinges snapped without breaking any of the cables. The PowerBook still works fine but I can't close the lid or if I close it I can't open it up again (or I better not otherwise I risk a cable breaking and the screen going dead). For the moment I'm using my old PowerBook G3 which is now a lot slower and kind of annoying. Maybe I'll get used to it. Diablo II is too slow on the G3 in Mac OS X.

I'm unlikely to get my PowerBook G4 fixed since I hate talking to people. I don't want to buy another PowerBook G4, even though I'm three generations out, because I don't have the money saved in my budget and I really want to hold out for a PowerBook G5, which hasn't even been announced and probably won't arrive until the end of this year or maybe even next year. Hope I can last on the old computer.

DunDraCon went well. I ran five adventures and really wore myself out doing it. Friday night I ran a big adventure until about 02:00. Saturday an adventure with Donald and Christopher then a big long adventure which ran until after midnight. Sunday an adventure for Rowe and Donald then a short adventure for everyone and I was kind of punchy by then. We did the drinking Sunday night so no games Monday. Good thing too since I had to do other things and didn't get back to my place until after 20:00. I was thinking of running four adventures at DaveCon. Maybe I won't now that I've experienced it.
Money wise I was able to refrain from buying a whole bunch of stuff. Only bought two new Hero books and I saw quite a bit of stuff at the bazaar that I didn't buy. We only ate out once -- Friday dinner at the hotel restaurant. Drinking was more expensive this year especially since Christopher participated and I paid for him (he only drank three drinks). Overall I spent less than $650 when I usually spend closer to $1000.

Tuesday I was tired. Wednesday I was even more tired. Wednesday night Dave and family, Woo and Fulton dropped by for dinner and to hang out. We played Frag Deadlands and Dave won. Relatively fun but quite long. Today I stayed at home and slept more so now I finally feel rested and awake. Didn't get any work done so that's another vacation day. But I did catch up on my television shows that I had taped during DunDraCon. Accidentally taped over Alias (that's what happens when you're tired) which is quite annoying.

Of course I have so many things to catch up on. Now that I'm awake I can start working on getting some things done. Sheesh, not enough time to get things done. I have got to finish Diablo II and maybe cut back on DC Heroes or figure out a way to not do so much work on my campaigns. Basketball playoffs are looming in a couple of months and that will be hectic again.
Copyright (c) 2004 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: February 19, 2004
Page Last Updated: February 19, 2004