31. QUESTION #1725 from Darth_Skeye: Which of the
Kevins do you prefer working with? Sorbo or Smith?
32. QUESTION #1628 from EdithSidebottom: What is
the funniest thing that has happened to you while filming Xena or
HL: "What is funny? I cannot think of one thing
right now."
33. QUESTION #1593 from Krash___: If Callisto is
a GOD, then why does a mortal like Xena still keep out smarting her?
HL: "Because she's a rather slow, retarded god."
34. QUESTION #1657 from Ckrickette: Bruce
Campbell (Autolycus) has done a lot of herc/xena directing, did you get
to work w/ him, and if so what was it like?
HL: "I only got to work with him as an actor as
Hercules. So I never got to be directed by him."
35. QUESTION #1668 from Leickwow: Have you made
friends you would stay in touch with among the people in X:WP
HL: "Yes. Indeed I have."
36. QUESTION #1862 from Nemecine: If you were an
animal what would you choose to be?
HL: "Butterfly."
HL: "An eagle."
37. QUESTION #1743 from Condorset: You have a
great figure. How do you stay in shape?
HL: "Yoga. Worrking out. A lot of stress. Stress
keeps you skinny."
38. QUESTION #1967 from AXenaFan: Which actor
(male or female) would you like to work with someday?
HL: "Anthony Hopkins. Gary Oldham but I'd
probably fall madly in love with him and have my heart broken."
HL: "Robert Duvall. He's amazing. Susan Sarandon.
She's really attractive."
39. QUESTION #1986 from Pellea1: If you could ask
the President of the U.S. anything, what would it be?
HL: "What?? I would like an emerald dress. I
would like my own space ship, my own plane at least. But I don't have
any questions to ask him."
40. QUESTION #2029 from Gfjhgyukghg: what music
do you listen to? any country?
HL: "No country. I adore Cirque de Soleil music.
It's the most senuous thing. I love Sinead O'Connor. Sweet Honey in the
HL: "Sara McLauglin. I've been listening to James
Taylor lately. I like accapella. Very moving."
HL: "Amazing Grace."