JH: {Walking to the door} Obviously I
must have said Thanksgiving Lunch in my invitations. {Opens the
Bello (BE): {In his Admiral's uniform}
Thanksgiving, Jennifer.
JH: You dressed up for Halloween too?
BE: I said it was Thanksgiving.
JH: Then why the uniform.
BE: I like wearing it.
JH: Oh.
BE: I brought an apple pie.
JH: Thanks. I'll go put it with the other
BS: {From upstairs, using his best
Ares! I should have known it was you all along!
DM: {From upstairs, using his best
It took long enough to figure it out, Hercules! But you're too late to
stop me!
MR: That sounds like someone's having fun. {Heads
BE: I'll go take a look too. {Heads
Erin Hunt (EH): {Comes inside} Geez.
Where's everyone else?
Gerry Tentler (GT): {Comes inside} I
we're early.
JH: Hi guys. Everyone else must be upstairs.
EH: Ok. I'll go upstairs then. Here's my
JH: Candied yams?
EH: Actually, it's candied squash. Who knew
yams would be so hard to find?
GT: That's funny, I didn't have any trouble. {Hands
Jennifer a plate of candied yams}
EH: (Show off!)
GT: (Can I help it if I'm better than you?)
EH: (In your dreams, guitar-boy!)
They both go upstairs.
CL: {Coming back} Here's my dessert!
JH: Chocolate pudding! At least someone brought
something chocolatey!
AH: {From upstairs} What about my
JH: Oh yeah. I guess that could be classified
chocolatey... If you don't have any taste buds.
AH: Oops. Did Xena's head just go flying?