Ca: Ulp! Uhm, but I did bid! See, I'm, ah, I'm
sunfox17! Yeah! I bid $4000! All my savings and it still wasn't enough.
Darn it!
PH: {{Jumping in}} I bid too! I'm {{reading the
first bidder that he focused on}} XeGeekGrrl?
GC: Hmm, I don't know what to be more disappointed
with, that you only bid $300 or that you use XeGeekGrrl as a name.
PH: Heh, I was just trying to remain incognito.
GC: Well, this has been entertaining. But don't they
sell other things besides fake Ancient Greek props?
Ca: Sure, there's lots of things! I'll show you
GC: Good. You can use that $4000 you have saved up
to buy your Goddess something nice.
Ca: {{Gulp!}}
[End Part 30]