From: (Amanda K Hocker) Date: Thu Nov 26, 1998 12:43:51 US/Pacific To: Subject: [hudsonleick] Re: Callisto loved Xena Reply-To: From: (Amanda K Hocker) On Tue, 24 Nov 1998 00:08:44 +0100 "Gerry" writes: From: "Gerry" LOL! No, it's true, Cal didn't die yet. I should know, 'cause I'm burning in Tartarus and I didn't meet her there... yet! ;-) Gerry aka Taranis, administrator of Callisto's Playground ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Still burning in Tartarus... Looks like I've got some writing to do. GC: What!?!?! AH: I accidently left Gerry in Tartarus. GC: Did you? Or was it someone else. AH: Oh Goddess, I can't remember. But I have a feeling it was me. GC: Why? AH: Because that's where everyone ends up when I write about them. GC: Your writing about yourself and you have yet to end up in Tartarus. AH: Oh yes! I was there. Don't you remember? GC: Oh yes. But let's not get into that now. How do you plan on getting Gerry out? AH: By using my bardic talents Goddess. GERRY'S ESCAPE FROM TARTARUS ______________________________________ G: Ho-hum. I'm bored. Do you know how boring Tartarus can be? Dead Guy (DG): Yeah. I know what ya mean. G: Really? DG: Yeah, been here for almost an eternity. G: You can be here that long! Oh no! HELP! DG: No sense in doing that. I've tried. It doesn't work. G: Oh. Amanda and the Goddess are walking blissfully down.... GC: Blissfully? AH: Sorry. ....Walking painfully down the road. GC: Better. AH: Thanks. GC: So, read any good books lately? AH: No, but I did read this really horrible book. GC: Really? Tell me more. AH: Okay. Well there was this gal and this guy and they where involved in a murder mystery kinda thing and... G: HELP ME!!! AH: What's that? GC: Sounds like we're close. AH: Close to what? GC: Tartarus. AH: NO! Goddess you promised no more vacations in Tartarus. I don't need one. I'm happy and content! GC: *SMACK* Shut-up pissant. AH: *OUCH* Sorry. GC: Besides, you all ready had a vacation last weekend. Why would I give up my Hole in Tartarus just for you to use it again and make a mess? AH: Sorry about that Goddess. We had a big bash, you know, those dead guys sure know how to party. GC: Yes, yes they do. Now, that poor soul was Gerry. AH: Gerry? Oh, wasn't he put in there by me? GC: You just told me he was. AH: Goddess! This is a story, pretend I didn't tell you that. GC: Okay. AH: Okay. Let's try again. Gerry? Wasn't he put in there by me? GC: That's what I thought you said. AH: ARGHH!!! GC: Oh let's just continue. This is stupid. I could just zap him out of there. See. *ZAP* G: Oh thank you Goddess!!! AH: NOOOO!!! GC: Okay. Fine be that way. *ZAP* G: Oh. Back here again. DG: Welcome back, saved your spot for ya. G: Thanks. AH: Goddess, I'm suppose to rescue him. GC: You? HAHAHA!!! That's a joke. AH: I'm strong! GC: You? Miss. No-Muscles. AH: I prefer well toned. GC: HA! I have more muscles than you! AH: True. GC: So be quiet. AH: Okay. I'm going in after him. GC: Fine. I'm not going to stop you. I'll even help. AH: (Gulp) GC: *ZAP* AH: AHHHHH!!!!! G: So I said to the Goddess, why don't you sit there! DG: Hahaha. That's a good one. AH: AHHHHHHH!!!! G: What's that falling from above? DG: I don't know looks like a person. G: It's Amanda! AH: AHHHHHH!!! OUCH!! G: Oooohh, nasty fall. You okay? AH: (mumbles). DG: Looks fine to me. Haha. (wink, wink) G: You go away! DG: Sorry. Amanda gets up and recovers from her nasty fall. AH: I'm okay. I'm here to rescue you. G: Okay, but where's the Goddess? AH: Why? G: You couldn't possible rescue me alone! AH: Why NOT!!! G: Uh, I mean, hehe, you CAN rescue me by yourself. AH: That's more like it. Now, where did I put that. Amanda starts searching through her pockets and pulls out a grappling hook. AH: Here we go. G: You had that in there! AH: Yeah. It's travel size. G: Okay. Amanda tosses the grappling hook and makes sure it caught the ground above them. AH: Hop on. G: What! AH: Hop on my back. G: Okay, whatever you say. (Sure hope the Goddess doesn't find out about this!) Amanda starts to climb the rope with Gerry hanging on to her back for his dear life. She reaches the top shortly after and they climb out. G: For a girl your size I wouldn't have believed that you could... AH: G: ...I mean, thanks. AH: Your welcome. Goddess appears. GC: So, you rescued your little friend. AH: Yup. GC: And how did you do it? Hmm. AH: Well.... G: Uh, I have to do something now, can't stay for the whole recap. Thanks, talk to you later. Bye! Gerry runs. GC: What's wrong with him? AH: I don't know. GC: Hmm.... Welcome back Gerry! Amanda ============================================================================== Web site copyright (c) 2001 Kevin C. Wong, All Rights Reserved. "Xena: Warrior Princess" and some material copyright MCA/Universal. Materials copyright their respective authors. Send questions and comments to me, Kevin C. Wong ( This page last updated: July 4, 2001.