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These are the original interview questions. Note that some specific questions were added for the later authors, they are not listed.

Interview Questions

  1. What was your first Callisto story? Why did you write it?
  2. Have you written any other fan fiction besides those on Callisto's Tales? Were these written before/during/after the time you wrote your first Callisto story?
  3. When you write, how far ahead do you plan? Do you have the whole story thought out beforehand, just a chapter, nothing planned?
  4. How would you summarize who Callisto is, what motivates her, what her goals are?
  5. When you write your stories, do you prefer Callisto as a mortal, immortal, or Goddess? Do you feel any of those is substantially harder to write for?
  6. How close do you think your characterization of Callisto comes to the one shown on "Xena: Warrior Princess"? If there are differences, why did you include/exclude them in your characterization?
  7. When you write Callisto stories, how important is it to keep within the Hercules/Xena Universe as depicted in both TV shows?
  8. Do you read any other Callisto fan fiction? How about other fan fiction in general? Is there any fan fiction that has influenced your writings? How has it influenced your writings?
  9. Which is your personal favorite Callisto story that you have written? What makes it your favorite story?
  10. If you had to do it all over again, are there any stories that you would change substantially? What would you change?
  11. Who do you write for? Who is the intended audience for your Callisto stories?
  12. How important is feedback from readers? How does reader feedback influence your writings?


  1. Both "Callisto's Way" and "Times" are quite long. Do you envision an end to either of those stories?
  2. Both stories are rather intense at times. Do you find it hard to write emotional scenes?


  1. You have written both short and multi-part stories. Do you like one format more than the other?
  2. Your stories range over a lot of situations. Where do you get your story ideas? Can you give some examples?


  1. "A Promise" credits Melissa as co-author. What was it like collaborating with another author?
  2. You just finished "Forever Maternal", which leaves "Iolaus & Callisto" as your only unfinished story in Callisto's Tales. Do you plan on finishing it?


  1. "The Lie" is your longest story on Callisto's Tales. Why did you write it (you may have answered it above)? Why is it in first person?
  2. You also write a lot of "less serious" Callisto-related fiction. Does that make it easier to write serious stories, or do you find yourself adding unintended humor into your stories?

Darth Skeye

  1. You introduced the major character of Petris in your stories. Why did you do this? Why not a character that appeared in Xena or Hercules?
  2. Each of your stories has continued in the same "Universe" as the previous one. Have you thought about writing a different sort of Callisto story?
  3. "Callisto and the Crow" by Pharo seems to use your "Universe" as a starting point. How do you feel about that? Are you flattered? What do you think about the Petris' death?

Robert Buckley

  1. Both "More Sinned Against Than Sinning" and "Callisto Explains It All" are set a few years from now. Why did you set these stories in the present?
  2. From your e-mail address I surmise that you live in the UK. Has Hercules and Xena been shown through season 4 and 3, respectively? If not, how have you kept up with the Callisto episodes so you could add the multiple-choice question in "Callisto Explains It All" chapter 6?
Copyright (c) 1998 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: March 23, 2004
Page Last Updated: March 23, 2004