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One of the first works of Callisto fan fiction that I read was "Bad Seeds". I was just going down the list alphabetically so I suppose that's not surprising. "Bad Seeds" is rather unusual in that it's a choose-your-own-adventure story, like Tower's "Callisto's Wish" but web-based. I had a blast going through it and reading what was down each path. After that I kept going and read the other two stories in the "Bad Seeds" trilogy. That continued with the "Callisto: Queen of Rage" series which had already been finished when I started reading them.

Darth Skeye's stories greatly influenced how I see the character of Callisto. I'll admit that I didn't have much of any sort of opinion on Callisto, especially as characterized on television. She was just another villain, albeit one that had a Callisto Month promotion (which was a week or two after I started watching the show). Stories like the ones written by Darth Skeye and Tower changed my opinion of Callisto. She's more human, less indiscriminately vicious, more justified in her actions. The stories expand her character and explore various aspects of her personality. She's more of a tragic heroine rather than an irredeemable villainess.

But enough of that rambling. I have an interview to present. Before we start the interview, I'd like to urge people to visit the Callisto's Tales section of the HLOFCWS and read a story. If you like the story write to the author and say so. If you don't like the story write to the author and try to be diplomatic when you tell him or her what you didn't like. Authors invest a lot of themselves in their stories, thank them for their efforts or at least respect the investment they made.

The interview questions are the same as last time, except for the last three which were meant for Darth Skeye only. They were asked after "Favorite Pastime", which continues some time after the "Callisto: Queen of Rage" series.

-- Kevin (Who should write to more authors himself)

[Kevin] What was your first Callisto story? Why did you write it?

[Darth Skeye] My first story, actually my first three, were Choose Your Own Adventures. The first one was called Bad Seeds. I wrote it because the character of Callisto inspired me. I felt such a passion for her. There were so many things that as I writer I could do with her. I couldn't help myself. I really like "working" with her. She is like a superbly capable actress. Able to perform whatever role I need with unequaled flair and passion.

[Kevin] Have you written any other fan fiction besides those on Callisto's Tales? Were these written before/during/after the time you wrote your first Callisto story?

[Darth Skeye] No. No other fan fiction. Callisto has been my only venture into the fan fic genre. I do write other fiction though.

Copyright (c) 1998 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: March 24, 2004
Page Last Updated: March 24, 2004