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This one I didn't submit

The question is: "How has Hudson inspired you in big, or small, ways to make positive changes in your life?" Or, "In what way has getting to know Hudson changed *your* life?"

Directly, Ms Leick hasn't really inspired me to do anything, other than try to find out more about her after her appearances on Xena. Indirectly, I have made some positive changes to my life, although they are not changes that affect my whole life.

Ms Leick has influenced many people that I at least know in passing. She has inspired people to invest a lot of time and emotions in creating a community dedicated to her. The outcome of this creativity is the many web sites, the Hudson Leick Mailing List, the Cirran Restoration Society, and the numerous works of fiction, art, and multimedia.

So how does that affect me? What I see when I read the various materials, visit the sites, listen to people talk, is a whole group of people to whom she has brought a good deal of happiness and inspiration. It is the people she inspired who have inspired me to become more involved and contribute positively to this community.

From writing happy birthday reminders to writing CRS skits to helping out with the HLML, I've tried to contribute and maintain the environment that so attracted me when I first wandered through this community. A lot of what I've done I don't do in other venues, but here it's different. And I guess that's how Ms Leick has inspired me.

Copyright (c) 1999 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: March 23, 2004
Page Last Updated: March 23, 2004