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Chapter 3 - Morning

The slim, fair-haired young lass woke up screaming an agonizing "noooo!" before she realized that it had been a dream. Sweating, she got up and looked around. "It's only a dream, it's only a dream, it's only a dream," she kept repeating to herself. The pre-dawn light illuminated their camp and she saw that Joxer was still blissfully asleep.

Callisto sat down and stared at Joxer's sleeping form. Her thoughts were still churning from the dream. It scared her to be so out of control, so mad with her desire for revenge that she would do anything to achieve it. She looked again at Joxer and hoped her sidekick experiment would work.

Joxer the Sidekick opened his eyes and saw the leather-clad nightmare peering at him. "Yiiih!" he exclaimed as he rolled away and frantically looked for his sword. His hand found a pot which he wielded as he stood up.

The former Goddess watched the warrior-aspirant's antics with the hint of a smile on her face. "Joxer..." she tried to sound annoyed but couldn't quite get the tone of her voice right. "When you're done fooling around why don't you make us breakfast? I've heard you're quite the cook, now you can prove it to me."

With that she stood up and headed to a nearby pool for a swim, leaving Joxer dumbfounded as he tried to remember why he was traveling with Xena's implacable foe. Once the shock faded, he remembered that yesterday he had agreed to be Callisto's sidekick. Wondering what had ever possessed him to agree to do this, he set about preparing breakfast.

Joxer had been waiting for the better part of an hour for Callisto to come back. Luckily, the meal he had made could be eaten cold without losing much of the flavor, or so he assured himself. He had thought about going out to look for her, but Callisto could certainly take care of herself. And he didn't want to bother her if she wanted to be alone.

'Well, this is certainly an unexpected scenario', he thought to himself. 'Who could have imagined Callisto getting a partner? Naturally, she came to me first since I am an unparalled warrior with an extensive repertoire of mastered skills. Wow: Callisto and Joxer, Joxer and Callisto. This'll be one for the bards.'

Although Joxer would never be accused of being perceptive, he did notice that Callisto wasn't the raving lunatic that he had met before. 'It's not as if I had tangled with her often before Xena killed her', he reasoned. 'Perhaps coming back from the dead had calmed her demeanor. She had said yesterday that she was still insane. I guess it's a different sort of madness now.'

Callisto walked into camp, finding Joxer deep in thought, humming his theme song to himself. "I'm back Joxer," she announced as she examined the meal he had prepared. It looked good which reminded her that she hadn't eaten since early yesterday. Eating was low on her list of priorities and she often went for days with little food, until her body reminded her that she was neglecting it. Right now she realized she was hungry.

Joxer, without thinking, asked, "are you still crazy?" He looked up at Callisto expectantly. His expression changed from interest to horror as the question he had asked finally registered in his consciousness.
Copyright (c) 1998 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: February 11, 2004
Page Last Updated: February 11, 2004