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Chapter 5 - Training

A pair of figures fought in a clearing, far from any prying eyes, or any help. The bigger, more heavily armored man swung his sword round and round, trying to keep the lightly armored fair-haired woman at bay. If there were an observer, he may have noticed that the man was sweating profusely, his hands shaky, a frightened look in his eyes.

This same observer may also have noticed that the lithe blonde was completely at ease, as if her opponent posed no threat, which in truth he did not. She was currently circling the man, her sword making lazy circles. Our imaginary observer could have compared the scene to a tiger playing with a fear-frozen deer.

After a few lazy swipes with her sword, which the deer blocked with great consternation, the observer would have heard the reedy girl's banshee-like scream, seen her charge her antlered prey, then watched as she jump-flipped over her toy, come down tiger-like, then kick backwards to send her eastwhile plaything sailing into a nearby tree, knocking him out.

Callisto turned around and saw Joxer lying unconscious on the ground. She cocked her head to the side, looked closer at the still form and realized that her partner was really unconscious and not faking like the last time.

"Oops," she said with a twinkle in her eyes, "looks like he couldn't handle the rough stuff."
The blonde warrior walked over to the edge of the clearing and stopped at where their equipment rested. She picked up a waterskin and drank from it. With a mischievous grin, she strolled to her sleeping sidekick and poured the rest of the waterskin on his face. Joxer woke with a start, sitting up and sputtering water all over himself.

"You didn't have to wake me up like that," he complained to his tormentor.

She flipped her sword into the air, sunlight glinting off the blade as it made three lazy revolutions before she caught it. "And just how would you like me to wake you up?" she inquired politely as she flipped her sword again, faster this time.

Her helmeted companion mulled over the question. At last, he decided there were far more painful methods Callisto could use to wake him up. He didn't want to experience any of them, although he feared he eventually would. His dangerous companion liked to come up with entertaining ways of waking him up, entertaining for her, that is.

"Err, never mind," he said sheepishly. "Well, let's get back to work."

Joxer carefully got up, trying to ignore the bumps and bruises he had aquired today. He was tired and sore all over, there being few places on his body that had not yet been whacked in one way or another by his demanding teacher. Calluses were forming on his hands from using his sword so much and he could barely hold his sword still. At least he hadn't broken anything, yet.
Copyright (c) 1998 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: February 19, 2004
Page Last Updated: February 19, 2004