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Chapter 13 - Confession


The scream tore through the morning stillness as the blonde-haired sleeper woke up with a start. Heart-pounding, adrenaline-rushing, sweat-pouring energy flowed into her body. She surveyed the camp, looking for a non-existent danger. According to her senses, nothing stirred, and she finally took a deep breath. The lithe-one started shaking as she came down from the adrenaline high.

"Stop it," she commanded her body, which refused to obey her request. The young warrior sat with her knees drawn up, arms around her legs, head down. She started rocking back and forth, repeating her plea at each cycle, sometimes adding a soft "please" at the end. Still, her body refused to honor her wishes and only seemed to shudder more strongly.

"You ok Callisto?" asked her male companion who had bedded down on the other side of the campfire, now long died down to embers. His genuine concern was obvious in the tone of his voice, although her somewhat unwilling partner knew enough not to try to get any closer.

She raised her head and stared at her opposite through slightly teary eyes. She blinked a few times to clear her eyes and focused on the other warrior, who was sitting up and staring right back. The former Warlord smiled and replied "I'm fine Joxer."
I must look like a mess, she mused to herself, then quashed that line of thought. What am I thinking, I'm the Scourge of Greece! In a flash, anger boiled up from deep within her core and she immediately followed her last statement with: "What in Hades do you think you're staring at?"

The would-be warrior recoiled from the vehemence in her voice. He had almost gotten through to her but then she had put up her walls and shut him out again. But not this time, this time he would break through those walls and reach past the tough warlord facade of his companion, or so he hoped.

"Callisto," he began carefully, but rapidly built his anger to match hers. "You've been waking up screaming or crying every morning since I've been travelling with you. Now, do you want to talk about it or do you want to continue with your tough-warrior-goddess-I-don't-need- anyone-else's-help routine? I'm your sidekick. You said we should be friends. Well, here's a place where we can start."

The shock registering on her face was a clear indication of her state of mind. Who was this man who had taken her timid companion's place? A whisper of a thought flitted in the back of her mind urging her to kill this interloper, this threat to her independence. But it didn't have the strength to drive her into action.

"You know about my dreams?" she asked in a soft, little-girl, wondering voice. She had been sure that he had been deep asleep each morning. Her perceptions would have told her he was feigning sleep. Her senses wouldn't lie to her, would they?
Copyright (c) 1998 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: February 19, 2004
Page Last Updated: February 19, 2004