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A dark room. Dim lighting. Echoes resounded as the Captain entered the room. He made his report in a precise, clipped tempo. The only other occupant in the room listened impassively, sitting behind his desk.

"The conclusion of our thinkers is that there is a one in three chance of complete success," the Captain concluded.

Silence. At last his Superior spoke: "A grand gamble and that is our best estimate?"

"Victory goes to the bold," stated the Captain. A simple mantra upon which an Empire had been built.

Time dragged on as his Superior weighed the possibilities. As with any grand gamble, failure would be disastrous, not only to him but perhaps to the Empire itself.

Finally, the decision was made.

"Proceed with your plan. Success." said his Superior.

"Success!" proclaimed the Captain before executing a crisp aboutface and marching out of the room.


The blond listened to the chatter of her male companion as the trio of travellers walked along a path between somewhere and nowhere. The rolling hills were covered with the greenery of late Spring. The weather was still pleasant inbetween the rains of Winter and the scorching sun of Summer.

Dressed in her trademark leathers, the blond looked every bit the Scourge that her exploits had labeled her throughout the land. At her side walked a most unlikely brunette companion. But although the second woman looked at home in her own darker leather armor and fighting gear, there was something... missing.

A little ahead of the two women, the male clanked and rattled his way down the road, all the while droning on and on about anything and everything that entered his mind. Much like a canary, or a songbird, mused the blond. But not as pleasant to the ear.

The blond stopped. The other two took a moment to realize that fact before they too stopped. She was looking off to the side of the path. A group of warriors approached. But not any type of warrior that she had encountered before. Swarthy, almost animal- like. Intense, purposeful. And this group of six screamed "danger" to her.

Her male companion walked up to the six to greet them before she could warn him. The next moment he was lying on the ground, unconscious from a backhanded blow from the leader. The others yelled and charged the remaining two.
Copyright (c) 1998 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: February 19, 2004
Page Last Updated: February 19, 2004