two enforcers, Software Developers Ravi Jayaraman and Girish Vasvani.
Don't let their apparent levity fool you, these two are cold stone
killas. Meanwhile, wanting to join the enforcers, Michael Phelan tries
to look tough.
CCT Developer Lead Jax Law listens to Nitin expound on the philosophies
of Karl Marx and Thomas Paine and how they influence current Release
Management theory. Is Jax asleep behind his sunglasses?
Developer Lead Shankar "Godfather" Radhakrishnan with his posse.
Picture taken just before Shankar made the photographer "an offer you
can't refuse". On an unrelated note, I'll be moving to Uruguay.
"I get to wear sunglasses too" Inamdar with fellow team member Edward
"I don't need no stinkin' sunglasses" Wang.