Renaissance Pictures
The Evil Dead is a
very low budget horror movie with a cult following and two sequels.
It's the debut "real" movie for Director Sam Raimi and Actor Bruce
Campbell. Mired in a fairly typical slasher film plot, it injects humor
and lots of camera work to become a pretty decent movie considering it
was done by a bunch of amateurs.
The plot is simple: four five friends go to a remote mountain cabin for
a fun weekend and they accidentally release a nameless horror that
posses each one and turns them into monsters. There is a lot of
dismemberment, a lot of fluids, really bad looking monsters, but a good
amount of suspense. It's quite an unusual movie.
There are two commentary tracks. Director Sam Raimi and producer Rob
Tapert do the first and actor Bruce Campbell does the second. Keep in
mind that the commentary was done almost 20 years later. There's a good
amount of joking and taking jabs at each other. Also on the disc are 20
minutes of behind-the-scenes footage and a photo gallery.
Overall it's an ok movie and a fairly ok DVD. It's a DVD for horror
film, or Bruce Campbell, or Evil Dead fans.