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Year:    2004
Studio:  Columbia Pictures
Feature: 5/5

Spider-Man 2 is a much better movie than the first one. The biggest problem I had with the first movie was that the special effects made Spider-Man look a bit too cartooney in action sequences. A couple of years later and the CGI is almost good enough that Spidey doesn't look too unnatural (perhaps he's supposed to since he is uncannily fast and agile, but it bothers me when a human body does things like what Spidey does).

The story is very good. Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire, who keeps his freaky too-wide smiles to a minimum, another reason why the sequel is a better movie) is going through a psychological crisis. The Spider-Man persona is just sucking up more and more of his time and keeping secrets from his best friends and Aunt May (Rosemary Harris) is making his personal life hellish. In order to save his sanity, his subconscious causes his powers to start failing. This give Peter an excuse to give up being Spider-Man and try to live a normal life.

But is the new Peter Parker good enough for Mary Jane Watson (Kirsten Dunst)? Tired of waiting for Peter to finally make his move, Mary Jane has moved on and is already engaged to be married to astronaut John Jameson (Daniel Gillies), son of newspaper publisher J Jonah Jameson (JK Simmons who steals every scene he's in). Peter is definitely out of time but he's going to try to win Mary Jane back.
But that's just a subplot (it's a great subplot and better than the main plot in my book, but I love romances). The real plot is Dr Otto Octavius (Alfred Molina). He is going to demonstrate the first sustained fusion reaction. Of course, fusion being so hot and dangerous, the good doctor has developed this set of robotic arms (with artificial intelligence) which are mentally liked to him and that attack to his spinal chord.

Naturally the experiment goes horribly wrong. Octavius' wife is killed in the accident and his arms are fused to him. And of course the little control chip that keeps the AI from invading his higher consciousness is destroyed. The upshot of this is that Doc Ock goes a bit insane. He is determined to build a bigger fusion reactor and prove to the world that his theories are correct, or he'll blow up New York City in his attempts. And Spider-Man has to return to active duty to save New York and Mary Jane.

What I liked: the Peter/Mary Jane relationship.

What I didn't like: the whole "Raindrops keep falling on my head" montage is really silly.

In conclusion, Spider-Man 2 is a wonderful movie. Action-oriented, true to the Spider-Man genre, with a good plot, funny moments, and a great romantic subplot. Definitely a movie everyone should see.
Copyright (c) 2004 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: July 6, 2004 Page Last Updated: July 6, 2004