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Island City Heroes

"Last thing I remember is we were fighting Darkseid and his big bad minions, looking good and laying waste. And then there was a flash and now my buds and I are stuck in the 20th Century. Not only that, but my comprades think we're The Teen Titans! What happened? Why am I the only one who remembers anything? How do we get back to our time? Whose ass do I have to kick to get some answers around here?!?"

This campaign is designed to run through every DC Heroes module and adventure that I have. To accomplish that without heavily modifying every module, the heroes are being zapped across the timestream by an unknown agent. At each stop they and the rest of the world think that the heroes are whichever local heroes are supposed to appear in the adventure. Eventually they'll realize what's really happening and then they'll have to figure out how to fix things, all in "time" to get back to the final confrontation with Darkseid that was so rudely interrupted by all this timehopping.

Volume 1 Stats and Settings

DCH Ruleset:      3rd Edition
Genre:            Mock-Real

Starting Level:   450 HPs
Current Level:    888 HPs
Campaign Start:   Feb 15, 2003
Issues Published: 23 (+1)
Total Sessions:   25

Volume 1 GameMaster Notes

Character Design
Combat Rules
House Rules
Island City People
Island City Places
Plot Notes

Volume 1 Heroes

El Gato
Ghost Girl
John Gilmore, Psychic Investigator
Kid Invincible
The Light
Peter Pan
Rad, the Radiation Man

Volume 1 Issues

01. A Day That Will Live In Infamy...
02. Ask Not What Your Country Can Do
      For You...
03. King of Crime
04. Escort to Hell
05. Lines of Death
06. Raid on Bungalow Bay
07. I, Robot
08. Their Mettle Be Tested
09. Escort to Hell (2)
10. Water Water Everywhere...
11. Taking Out the Trash
12. Things That Go Growl in the Night
13. Fire and Ice
14. Return to Neverland
15. A Titan, Nevermore!
16. Blitzkrieg
17. Mekaniquel Dreams
18. Raiders of the Lost Staff
19. Project Prometheus
20. Island of Terror
21. Worms of Destruction
22. Sky Skull Over Island City
23. Enter the Dragons
24. Wedding Bell Blues
25. The Rise and Fall of Ralkazan
Copyright (c) 2003 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: December 2, 2003 Page Last Updated: December 10, 2003