kcw | dc heroes
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[1e] Brick: You're strong, probably very tough to damage, maybe big, maybe you can fly or run really fast or do other wonderful things. But when people think of you they think "now that's one tough MF!"

(DC) Superman, Power Girl, Shazam, Lobo ("The Main Man!")
(Marvel) The Thing (FF4), Thor, The Incredible Hulk
(Other) Terminator (T100)

[1f] Energy Projector: Your primary attack is shooting bolts of energy from a distance, like the coward you are. You probably also fly or teleport, else you look awfully silly running around firing your energy blasts like any common normal.

(DC) Starfire, Black Canary
(Marvel) Cyclops and Havok (silly runners), The Human Torch

[1g] Gadgeteer: see 1d.

[1h] Martial Artists: see 1c.

[1i] Mentalist: You use your Jedi Mind Tricks and Dark Force Powers to subvert people to your will. Or instead of mind-raping people, you can be a standard telekinetic, firestarter, illusionist...
(DC) Jericho
(Marvel) Marvel Girl/Jean Grey, Professor X
(Other) Jedi, Vulcans, that Creepy Guy who's always staring at you

[1j] Metamorph: You can shapechange, into different people or animals or elements or objects. This would also cover stretching powers.

(DC) Metamorpho, Elongated Man, Changeling
(Marvel) Mister Fantastic, Rahne Sinclair/Wolfsbane, Silverclaw
(Other) Super Mario (in various suits)

[1k] Mystic: see 1r and 1s.

[1l] Patriot: You embody the "national spirit".

(DC) Uncle Sam (US), Superman (US)
(Marvel) Sabra (Israel), Captain America (US), Vanguard (USSR)
(Other) Err... Godzilla (Japan), Jerry Lewis (France)

[1m] Powered Armor: see 1a.
Copyright (c) 2003 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: December 2, 2003 Page Last Updated: December 2, 2003