Standard Award
Level of Opposition: Equal (20)
Critical Points: Metal Man clue [even odds] (3)
Area of Consequence: City/Local (3)
Severity: Temporary/Nonfatal (5)
Total Standard Award: 31
Award Breakdowns
Minimum 0.0 Standard Awards per category, maximum 1.0 Standard Awards
per category.
Showing up and playing whole adventure = 1 Award
Roleplaying = 1 Award
Attacking Tsunami After Being Warned (Encounter 10) = -1/2 Award
Saving Innocent Bystanders
Bus load of people (Encounter 1) = 1/2 Award
Consistently going after hostages first (Encounter 6, 10) = 1/2 Award
Thwarting the
Rescuing Mayor Huernot and Stanislaus Bridge = 1/2 Award
Capturing Tsunami = 1/2 Award
Saving Devastatron = 1/2 Award
Getting Extra Help from Tsunami = -1/2 Award
Rad = 1/2 Award
The Light = 1/2 Award
Riff = 1/2 Award
Capturing Sportsmaster = 1/2 Award
Calling Tsunami's Bluff = 1/2 Award
Divining Crime Patterns, Try to Anticipate Next Crime = 1/2 Award