Encounter 14 (Part 2): Fight Back!
Some possible strategies the heroes can use:
Frontal Assault: Unlikely to work against the Shark, unless Rad uses
his anti-Shark mix. Possible against Cheetah, but she will run and hide
if need be and resort to hit-and-run attacks. Once one hero is down,
Cheetah should be able to handle the other two.
Divide and Conquer: If the Shark's Penguin snack is brought to
Cheetah's attention, she will confront her ally. An argument and then a
fight will break out. The heroes can turn on the weakened winner, which
will probably be the Shark.
Let the Wookie Win: Do nothing. People won't be hurt and even the
animals -- except for a few Penguins -- will be mostly safe (though
releasing an elephant into the wilderness of Oahu is not the most
brilliant plan Cheetah's ever come up with). Later they can track or
follow the villains to their secret headquarters. The rest is left up
to the GM.
Anti Shark Mix (syringe) [Poison Touch: 9, must be injected, 1 charge]
(10 Hero Points).
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