Encounter 1: Boat Party
"Peter Pan is holding a boat party to celebrate New Year's Day (1943)."
The Lost Boys are there and other people should bring dates. Dev
(Riff's robot) brings his new girlfriend Mekanique. That morning Rad is
told that Sharks were broken out of base by a band of pirates.
Encounter 2: Ultraman
"Rising out of the ocean is a giant humanoid robot colored red and
silver. It sports a helmet with a crest ridge and luminous eyes." [Show
picture of Ultraman] "'Riff, my mortal nemesis,' says the robot in the
voice of the Ultra-Humanite, 'Prepare to DIE!'"
The Ultra-Humanite tries to destroy Devastatron II, then Riff. His
greatest weakness is the time and he'll forget that he has to leave if
Riff taunts him or otherwise works at keeping Ultra busy.
Ultraman Robot
DEX 7 STR 12
INIT 60 HPs 70
- Flight: 11
- Running: 8
- Specium Ray (Energy Blast): 9
- Ultra Attack Ray (Energy Blast): 15 (3 charges)
- Catch Ring (Paralysis): 9
- Rebound Ray (Force Shield): 9 (once per phase)
- See-Through Ray (Ultra Vision): 9
- Power Reserve: 9 (-1 AP per phase)
- Once Power Reserve is 0, all physical abilities drop
by 1 AP per phase. (Chest light will start blinking)
Tactics: Catch Ray on bystanders, Power Reserve BODY, Ultra Attack Dev2.