Getting progressively worse from radiation poisoning, Ghost Girl can't
wait for Rad to come up with a cure. She enrolls into the Dyer-Bennet
Institute. Mu ha ha ha! Dr Francis Van Hoorst has been waiting for
someone just like Ghosty. She will use Ghosty's powers to open a portal
for the demon Ralkazan, then use the demon's power to rule the world!
Sensing the true danger, Ghost Girl sends a cryptic postcard to ICH
Headquarters. When she falls victim to Van Hoorst's machinations, will
the Island City Heroes come to her rescue or will they spend the day at
the golf course?
This adventure is based on "A Titan, Nevermore!", the introductory
adventure for the first edition DC Heroes RPG
1. Postcard from the Edge
2. Entering Hill-Valley
3. A Fan Club? We Have a Fan Club?
4. I'm Not Only a Member, I'm the President!
5. The Terminatrix
6. Visiting Hours
7. After Hours Break-In
8. Haa-ya! We Must Fight Now!
9. A Whole New Universe
10. It's Opening! The Horror!
1. Peter Pan: Jasmine Hook, the Terminatrix
2. Riff: Lightning Gun
3. Rad: Holly moves slightly
Standard Award
Level of Opposition: Equal (20)
Critical Points: Find Gate Room (3)
Area of Consequence: Personal (0)
Severity: Permanent Nonfatal (10)
Total Standard Award: 33
Roll Call
Peter Pan (David Sweet)
Rad (David Woo)
Riff (Eric Fulton)
Audio Log (MP3)
Tape 1 [7.0 MB] (1:02)
Tape 2 [7.0 MB] (1:02)
Tape 3 [7.0 MB] (1:02)
Tape 4 [7.0 MB] (1:02)
Dr Bradley Jones notes that Holly moved just a little.
Dr Charlie Van Den Haas modifies Riff's gun.
Devastatron and Mechanique are almost inseperable.
Riff tries to throw Charlie and Wally together, see if the hook up.
Riff procures an assistant for Doctor Jones.
Heroes get postcard from Ghost Girl.
Riff sends Devastatron (and Mechanique) to investigate.
The robots think Ghost Girl has been drugged.
The heroes contront Dr Getzen.
Peter Pan barges in and engages Terminatrix, the fight is on.
The villains retreat to the gate room. The heroes search the building.
The heroes break into the gate room. Round 2!
The gate opens. Ralkazan goes wild. Devastatron frees Ghost Girl.
Riff destroys the gate controls. Gate closes. The world is safe. Maybe.