Encounter 6: Visiting Hours
If the heroes try to visit Ghost Girl, Dr Getzen will make excuses
about how she is quite ill and shouldn't see anyone. He will gladly
talk about the Institute and give a tour of the grounds (but not inside
the building because he doesn't want the patients disturbed). In the
end, his aim is to stall the heroes (whether in disguise or not) until
after Saturday night.
Encounter 7: After Hours Break-In
After hours half the guards are asleep. Have them dodge guards and
security cameras, perhaps the late night wanderings of a supervillain
or two. If the heroes somehow end up in the gate chamber, an alarm will
sound and the villains will arrive quickly.
Encounter 8: Haa-ya! We Must Fight Now!
If a fight occurs the Institute guards arrive five per round. Doctors
Getzen and Van Hoorst will let their hired muscle do the fighting and
if things are going badly they will retreat to the gate room to start
the ceremony now.
Encounter 9: A Whole New Universe
If the heroes are captured, they wake up just before midnight Saturday.
They're tied to a rock out in space, the glow of the gate portal in the
distance. With only a few rounds to act, they have to free themselves
and get back through the portal before it closes, trapping them in a
dead Universe.
Encounter 10: It's Opening! The Horror!
While Dr Getzen or Van Hoorst, along with Jee'oos'ra work to open the
gate in the last few rounds, the heroes battle the villains and try to
free Ghost Girl. If the gate opens, a giant red hand comes through and
starts snatching random people in the room, one per round. Dr Van
Hoorst will trap Ralkazan if Ghost Girl hasn't been freed, and will
flee if Ghost Girl is free for Ralkazan will be uncontrollable.