Rules Notes
B&B 3E rules are rather disorganized. Here I want to keep common rules I'm always looking up.
Values are trait ratings unless otherwise notes.
Trait Value Bonus Max Level 00-06 0 4 07-12 0 5 13-15 +1 6 16-17 +2 7 18+ +3 8
- Horizontal Jump = STR+1 (in feet)
- Vertical Jump = Horizontal/2
- Base Damage = STR
- Carrying Another Rabbit: if STR >= CON then 1/4 movement
- Movement = SPD Base + Base Movement (see below)
- Defense = SPD + Defense Die
- Vertical Climb: Movement = SPD, requires SPD check
- Swim: Movement = SPD + 1d6, requires SPD check
Base Movement
- Armadillo = MP 2
- Chipmunk = MP 1
- Jackrabbit = MP 8
- Opossum = MP 1
- Porcupine = MP 1
- Rabbit = MP 2
- Raccoon = MP 2
- Skunk = MP 1
- Squirrel = MP 1
Spot Predator (vs Predator Spot DV)
- Passive, non Cryptids/Stalkers: INT Base + d6 (Scout = INT Rating + d6)
- Passive Lv 3 Scout, All: INT Rating + d6
- Active: INT Rating + d6 (Scout: Auto Detects)
- Attack Score = AGI + Attack Die
- Carry, Mouth: One large item (apple, small head of lettuce)
- Carry, Fur: Small Items = AGI Base +1 (Maverick = AGI Rating + 0)
- Forward Toss: 2m range, AGI vs DV 6
- Punt Object: range = STR in meters, randomly within 1m
- Apply Contact Herb (required skill): auto on ally, Attack vs Defense on opponent
- Unconscious = 0
- Death < 0, after 10 minutes
- Heal = CON Rating per 4 hours sleep (Empaths x2)
- Cecotropes: Heal = CON Base + 1
- Death by Old Age: CON Base + d6 vs DV (Age in years + 1)
Hit Points
- Armadillo = 10 + 6 per CON level
- Chipmunk = 5 + 3 per CON level
- Jackrabbit = 8 + 5 per CON level
- Opposum = 10 + 6 per CON level
- Porcupine = 18 + 8 per CON level
- Rabbit = 8 + 5 per CON level
- Racoon = 15 + 7 per CON level
- Skunk = 10 + 6 per CON level
- Squirrel = 6 + 4 per CON level
Add: CON Base at CON level 0 and each CON level after
- Avoid Shock: MYS + d6 vs DV 4 (d6 rounds in combat, 10 minutes out of combat)
- Sense Danger: MYS + d6
- Detect Falsehood: MYS + d6 vs CHA + d6
- Detect and Identify Food: SML + d6 vs DV
- Detect and Identify Herb: SML + d6 vs DV
- Identify Scat and Spoor: SML + d6 vs DV
- Tracking: see rules p. 16
- Languages = Own + Rabbit + CHA Rating (see p. 17 for list)
For GURPS we use the skill levels and resolution system.
- Each trait is a skill with level = Trait Value + Levels
- Instead of B&B skill resolution (1d6 + Trait Rating) use GURPS (3d6 vs Skill Level)
- GURPS skill modifier = (6-DV)*2, in general +8, +4, +0, -4, -8, or -12