Kevin C. Wong

DC Adventures Campaign - House Rules

Chips/Hero Points

  • Green - standard hero point, last for the session
  • Blue - for significant plot points or character roleplaying, lasts for the adventure
  • Yellow - one given to one character at tend of adventure, lasts until used


  • Sir Galahad hires a squire = Green. Shows initiative during an adventure. The squire is an aide so not appropriate for a higher level chip. Squire initiated plot points will give Sir Galahad more chips.
  • Tek Titan keeps his knowledge of OMAC a secret = Red/Blue. Makes things a little tougher for everyone and is a subplot core to his character.

Other Chips

  • White: -1 to Resistance Checks, cumulative with other white chips
  • Red: Dazed (single action) until end of turn
  • 2 Red: Dazed (single action) + Hindered (Move at -1 rank) until you do a Recover

Automatic Multiattack

All attacks have a variant form of Multiattack (DCA Book 1 p. 131). Single Target: Each extra degree of success is +1 effect.