Kevin C. Wong

DC Adventures Campaign - Mystic S

Mystic S is a sorceress supreme with S-themed fire spells.






  • Secret Identity (Miss Emma Sticks)
  • Motivation: Responsibility
  • Motivation: Justice


  • Issue 2 - Bystander took a photo of Miss Sticks changing into Mystic S.
  • Issue 8 - Video surfaces of Miss Sticks changing into costume. Owned by super fan Dwarfstar.
  • Issue 9 - Mystic S comes up with a new team name, GuardianS, with herself as implicit leader.

Character Sheet


Player Sophia Woo
Hero Mystic S
Identity Miss Emma Styx (TODO: What is her secret id name, if any?)
Gender / Age Female / xxx
Height / Weight 5'4" / 110 lb
Eyes / Hair Blue / Blue
Group Affiliation None
Base of Operations None
Power Level 10
Power Points 150 = 42 (Abilities) + 24 (Defense) + 59 (Powers) + 11 (Advantages) + 14 (Skills)

ABILITIES (Total Cost [42])

Strength (STR) 00 [00] Throw 50 lb distance 30 feet
Stamina (STA) 00 [00] Average adult
Agility (AGL) 01 [02] Above average
Dexterity (DEX) 03 [06] Gifted
Fighting (FGT) 04 [08] Highly Gifted
Intellect (INT) 03 [06] Gifted
Awareness (AWE) 06 [12] One of the best in the world
Presence (PRE) 04 [08] Highly Gifted

OFFENSE (Initiative +1 = Agility + Improved Initiative + Powers; Max attack + effect = PL x 2 = 20 or 10 if no attack roll)

Unarmed (Punch) +4 Close Damage 0
Searing Spear +8 Ranged Damage 12; Attack + Effect = 20

DEFENSE (Total Cost [24]; Max of Dodge/Parry + Toughness or Fortitude + Will = PL x 2 = 20)

Dodge (AGL) 08 [07] Dodge + Toughness = 20
Parry (FGT) 08 [04] Parry + Toughness = 20
Fortitude (STA) 06 [06] Fortitude + Will = 19
Toughness (STA) 12 Toughness 00 if stunned, surprised, or Astral Projecting; Ignore Damage 3 or less
Will (AWE) 13 [07]

POWERS (Total Cost [59]) TODO: Did Sophia intentionally change some numbers?

Magic Spells Array 24 [29] Only one Array power can be active at any given time

Spell: Searing Spear [24] Ranged Damage 12
-- Damage 12 [1 per] Attack, Standard, Ranged, Instant (p. 93)
-- Increased Range (to Ranged) [+1 per] (Increased Range: p. 130)

Spell: Send Speech [1] Mental communication with whomever on Earth
-- Communication: Mental [4 per] Sensory, Free, Worldwide, Sustained (p. 89)
-- Range: Worldwide (4 ranks) [24] Anywhere on Earth or similar-sized planet (p. 89)
-- Area [+1 per] Can broadcast to everyone within range (p. 90)
-- Selective [+1 per] Can select who receives broadcasts (p. 90)

Spell: Sunder Sorcery [1] Nullify Magic 12, targeted (not area). Total cost [24]
-- Nullify [1 per] Attack, Standard, Ranged, Instant (p. 111)
-- Broad [+1 per] Magic is a broad descriptor.

Spell: Screen Sight [1] Invisibility to All Visual Senses, Can cast on friends
-- All Visual Senses (4 ranks) [24] Base [2 per]
-- Affects Others [+1 per] Can make others invisible, increases Range to Close
-- Increased Range (Ranged) [+1 per] Range = Ranged (100/200/400 feet)
-- Area [+1 per] Affects all targets in area
-- Selective [+1 per] Choose which targets affected

Spell: TODO 4 [1] AE
Spell: TODO 5 [1] AE

Astral Projection [26]
-- Remote Sensing 8 (TODO) [4 per] Visual [2], Auditory [1], Mental [1], 1 mile range
(Remote Sensing: p. 112. Mental Sense: p. 115)
-- Limited
(Physical Body Defenseless) [-1 per] (Limited: p. 135)
-- Subtle 2 [+2] Completely unnoticeable (p. 113)

Levitation and Mystic Shield [1] AE of Astral Projection
-- Flight 4 [2 per] Movement, Free, Personal, Sustained (p. 99); 30 mph
-- Protection 12 [1 per] Defense, None, Personal, Sustained (p. 111); +12 Toughness
-- Sustained [+0 per] Free Action to maintain; can use Extra Effort (p. 112)
-- Impervious 6 [+1 per] Damage 3 (e.g. light pistol) or less is ignored (p. 129)

Mystic Awareness [3]
-- Senses 3 (TODO) [1 per] Sensory, None, Personal, Permanent (p. 113)
-- Awareness (Mystical) 1 rank Perception vs DC 10, -1 per 10 feet range (p. 113)
-- Analytical 1 rank Get fine detail from Mystical Awareness (p. 113)
-- Radius 1 rank Can sense in a 360-degree globe (p. 116)

ADVANTAGES (Total Cost [11])

Equipment 03 [3] Headquarters, see Equipment section
Fearless 01 [1] Immune to Fear effects (p. 75)
Ranged Attack 05 [5] +5 to hit with ranged attacks (p. 77)
Ritualist 01 [1] Can use Expertise: Magic to create and cast Magical Rituals (p. 146)
Trance 01 [1] Enter trance state to hold breath or suspend poison/diseases (p. 79)

SKILLS (Total Cost [14]; Max skill level = PL + 10 = 20)

Expertise: Magic (INT) 13 [5] Knowledge and training to make a living (p. 59)
Insight (AWE) 12 [3] Detect Illusion, Detect Influence, Evaluate, Innuendo, Resist Influence (p. 60)
Intimidation (PRE) 08 [2] Coercing, Demoralizing, Intimidating Minions (p.60)
Perception (AWE) 10 [2] Hearing, Seeing, Other Senses (p. 62)
Sleight of Hand (DEX) 07 [2] Concealing, Contorting, Escaping, Legerdemain, Stealing (p. 64)


Secret Identity TODO: Does she have this?
Motivation: Responsibility TODO: Define this. "The Mystic was given his or her power for a reason—to defend Earth, to hunt down otherworldly creatures, or any number of other options. Or perhaps the Mystic recognizes that his or her power comes with a price."
Motivation: Justice TODO: Define this.

EQUIPMENT (Cost is in Equipment Points; Maximum is Equipment Advantage x 5)

Headquarters [15] Equipment 3 = 15 equipment points (Headquarters: p.159)
Size: Fine [0] Super Chai store
Toughness: 10 [2]
Concealed [1] +10 DC for outsiders to locate headquarters
Dual-Size: Huge [4] Interior is bigger than the outside, Castle sized
Laboratory [1] Facility for performing tests and experiments
Library [1] Allows using Knowledge skill for research; circumstance bonus to Expertise
Living Space [1] Facilities to accomodate PL people (10)
Personnel [1] Magical constructs that maintain headquarters
Sealed [1] Sealed from the outside world, accessible through a magic portal in Super Chai
Security System [1] Magical locks and alarms; Technology DC 20 to overcome
Self-Repairing [1] Heals at same rate as a character
Workshop [1] For creating magical inventions


Based on Mystic/Mystic Master template (Quick Start: p. 21)
Spellcasting does not require free hands (issue 10).