Kevin C. Wong

DC Adventures Campaign - Radson

Radson is trying to live up to the legacy of his father, Rad: The Radiation Man.





  • Shark - Wants to kill Radson to hurt his nemesis Rad.


  • Secret Identity


  • Issue 8 - Vibe is created. He'll want revenge on Shark and what will Radson do?
  • Issue 10 - Contacted by John Gilmore who is trapped in Hell.

Character Sheet


Player David Woo
Hero (Radson)
Identity xxx (Secret)
Gender / Age Male / xxx
Height / Weight xx / xxx
Eyes / Hair xx / xxx
Group Affiliation None
Base of Operations None
Power Level 10
Power Points 149 = 36 (Abilities) + 10 (Defense) + 88 (Powers) + 2 (Advantages) + 13 (Skills)
TODO: 1 extra point (Advantage or 2 Skills)

ABILITIES (Total Cost [36])

Strength (STR) 12 [08] STR 4 if stunned (or surprised), STR 16 for lifting
4 = 800 lb, 12 = 100 tons, 16 = 1600 tons + throw 30 feet
Stamina (STA) 14 [08] STA 04 if stunned (or surprised)
Agility (AGL) 01 [02] Above average
Dexterity (DEX) 00 [00] Average
Fighting (FGT) 06 [12] One of the best in the world
Intellect (INT) 01 [02] Above average
Awareness (AWE) 01 [02] Above average
Presence (PRE) 01 [02] Above average

OFFENSE (Initiative +1 = Agility + Improved Initiative + Powers; Max attack + effect = PL x 2 = 20 or 10 if no attack roll)

Unarmed (Punch) +8 Close Damage 12; Attack + Effect = 20
Rad Blast +11 Ranged Damage 9
Rad Wave n/a Close Burst 60 feet Damage 10 (DC 20 Dodge for half)

DEFENSE (Total Cost [10]; Max of Dodge/Parry + Toughness or Fortitude + Will = PL x 2 = 20)

Dodge (AGL) 06 [05]
Parry (FGT) 06 [00]
Fortitude (STA) 14 [00] Fortitude 04 if stunned (or surprised); Fortitude + Will = 20
Toughness (STA) 14 Toughness 04 if stunned (or surprised); Ignore Damage 5 or less
Will (AWE) 06 [05]

POWERS (Total Cost [88])

Super-Strength [20] Requires Free Actions to maintain
-- Enhanced Trait (Strength) 8 [2 per] General, Free, Personal, Sustained (p. 96)
-- Power-lifting 4 [1 per] Enhanced Strength, Limited to Lifting (p. 111)

Rad Blast [10]
-- Damage 9 [1 per] Attack, Standard, Ranged, Instant (p. 93)
-- Increased Range (Ranged) [+1 per] Increase range from Close to Ranged (225/450/900 feet) (p. 130)
-- Distracting [-1 per] Hero is Vulnerable until start of next their next turn (p. 135)
-- Tiring [-1 per] Hero becomes Fatigued (cancel with hero point) (p. 138)
-- Accurate 5 [1 per] +10 to hit with Energy Blast (p. 125)

AE: Rad Wave [1]
-- Damage 10 [1 per] Attack, Standard, Close, Instant (p. 93)
-- Area (Burst) 2 [+2 per] 60-foot radius sphere centered on hero, no attack roll,
defenders can Dodge (DC 20) for half effect (Damage 5)
-- Distracting [-1 per] Hero is Vulnerable until start of next their next turn (p. 135)
-- Tiring [-1 per] Hero becomes Fatigued (cancel with hero point) (p. 138)
-- TODO Removed Flaw (hero and targets must contact same surface),
Added Area (Burst) 1, Distracting, Tiring (latter two to match Radiation Blast)

Super-Stamina [20] Requires Free Actions to maintain
-- Enhanced Trait (Stamina) 10 [2 per] General, Free, Personal, Sustained (p. 96)

Life Support [10] Immunity to disease, poison, all environmental conditions, suffocation, starvation, thirst.
-- Immunity 10 (Life Support) [1 per] Defense, None, Personal, Permanent (p. 102)

Thick Skin [10] Ignore Damage 5 (e.g. assault rifle) or less, unless Penetrating
-- Add Impervious 10 to Toughness [+1 per] (p. 129)

Flight [12] 120 mph
-- Flight 6 [2 per] Movement, Free, Personal, Sustained (p. 99)

Immortal [5] Return from death in (Rank 19 - 2 = 17) time (i.e. 1 week)
-- Immortality 2 [2 per] Defense, None, Personal, Permanent (p. 102)
-- Enhanced Trait (Diehard) [1 flat] When hero's condition is dying, automatically stabilize (p. 73)

ADVANTAGES (Total Cost [02])

Extraordinary Effort (Driven) 01 [1] with Extra Effort can get two benefits for double fatigue cost (p. 74)
Takedown (Good with Crowds) 01 [1] when you incapacitate a minion get free attack an adjacent, in-range minion,
repeating until you miss or run out of targets (p. 78)

SKILLS (Total Cost [13]; Max skill level = PL + 10 = 20)

Athletics (STR) (Athlete) 16 [2] Climbing, Jumping, Running, Swimming (p. 56)
Close Combat: Unarmed (FGT) 08 [1] bonus to-hit with unarmed attacks (p. 57)
Expertise: Radiation (INT) 05 [2] +2 with Radiation, -2 with other Sciences (p.59)
Insight (AWE) 05 [2] Detect Illusion or Influence, Evaluate, Innuendo, Resist Influence (p. 60)
Perception (AWE) 05 [2] Hearing, Seeing, Other Senses (p. 62)
Persuasion (PRE) 05 [2] Opposed Persuasion or DC 15 to improve attitude (Hostile, Unfavorable, Indifferent, Favorable, Helpful) (p. 63)
Ranged Combat: Throwing (DEX) 04 [2] bonus to-hit with throwing attacks (p. 64)


TODO: From list below pick 1 motivation + optionally one other complication

Secret Identity
Motivation: Acceptance
Motivation: Patriotism
Motivation: Responsibility
Power Loss e.g. loses powers in presence of rad-tonite
Prejudice e.g. Bay Area has a prejudice against nuclear radiation
Relationship e.g. relationship with father and/or mother

EQUIPMENT (Cost is in Equipment Points; Maximum is Equipment Advantage x 5)



Based on Powerhouse/Innate Power template (Quick Start: p. 25)