Kevin C. Wong

DC Adventures Campaign - Reda Robotica


Reda Robotica uses her M2 Robots to punish evil-doers.






  • Secret Identity (Sonni Adakichi) + Secret-Secret Identity (Yoshimi Ito)
  • Motivation: Responsibility - "I must help others"
  • Relationship: Robots - Robots want free will (remove Controlled extra)
  • Secret: Power Source - Robots and abilities may come from a dark/dangerous source


  • Issue 8 - Fellow meta-human student Heat Wave surfaces as a bank robber.
  • Issue 14 - Starts working secretly at Super Chai.

Character Sheet


Player Corina Wong
Hero Reda Robotica
Identity Sonni Adakichi (Secret) + Yoshimi Ito (Secret-Secret)
Gender / Age Female / 22
Height / Weight 5'4" / 115 lb
Eyes / Hair Brown / Black
Group Affiliation None
Base of Operations None
Power Level 10
Power Points 150 = 48 (Abilities) + 29 (Defense) + 61 (Powers) + 5 (Advantages) + 7 (Skills)

ABILITIES (Total Cost [48])

Strength (STR) 02 [04] Throw 200 lb distance 30 feet
Stamina (STA) 04 [08] Highly gifted
Agility (AGL) 02 [04] Well above average
Dexterity (DEX) 02 [04] Well above average
Fighting (FGT) 02 [04] Well above average
Intellect (INT) 04 [08] Highly gifted
Awareness (AWE) 04 [08] Highly gifted
Presence (PRE) 04 [08] Highly gifted

OFFENSE (Initiative +2 = Agility + Improved Initiative + Powers; Max attack + effect = PL x 2 = 20 or 10 if no attack roll)

Unarmed +2 Close Damage 2; Attack + Effect = 4

DEFENSE (Total Cost [29]; Max of Dodge/Parry + Toughness or Fortitude + Will = PL x 2 = 20)

Dodge (AGL) 12 [10]
Parry (FGT) 10 [08]
Fortitude (STA) 08 [04] Fortitude + Will = 19
Toughness (STA) 08 04 if Vulnerable or Defenseless; Dodge + Toughness = 20
Will (AWE) 11 [07]

POWERS (Total Cost [61])

Summon Robot Minions [61] Eight PL6, 90-point minions. Commands are Move actions.
-- Summon 6 [2 per] Control, Standard, Close, Sustained. (p. 117)
-- Controlled [+1 per] Minions have Controlled condition (p. 17)
-- Horde [+1 per] Summon 2+ as standard action but you are Vulnerable (p. 19)
-- Mental Link [1 flat] Telepathically talk to minions (Communication Link, p. 113)
-- Multiple Minions 3 [+6 per] Summon 8 minions

ADVANTAGES (Total Cost [05])

Defensive Roll 04 [4] adds to Toughness if not vulnerable or defenseless (p. 73)
Inventor 01 [1] can use Technology to create inventions (p. 145)

SKILLS (Total Cost [07]; Max skill level = PL + 10 = 20)

Perception (AWE) 08 [2] Hear, See, Other Senses (p. 62)
Stealth (AGL) 06 [2] Hide, Trail (p. 65)
Technology: Robots (INT) 10 [3] Operate, Build, Repair, Jury-Rig, Demo, Invent, Security (p. 65)
+2 with Robots, -2 with other Technologies


Secret Identity Sonni Adakichi + Secret-Secret Identity (Yoshimi Ito)
Motivation: Responsibility "I must help others"
Relationship: Robots Robots want free will (remove Controlled extra)
Secret: Power Source Robots and abilities may come from a dark/dangerous source

EQUIPMENT (Cost is in Equipment Points; Maximum is Equipment Advantage x 5)



Based on Summoner/Summoner/Summon Minions template (Quick Start: p. 33)
Use Inventor + Technology to Jury-Rig robot to a different configuration.
TODO: Free Will Option: switch Controlled with Active. Robots get two actions but are like unimaginative soldiers.

M2 (Mincer of Men)


Player Corina Wong
Hero n/a
Identity n/a
Gender / Age n/a
Height / Weight Human-sized boxy robot with thruster packs and flexible arms ending in pincers.
Eyes / Hair Menacing Red Eyes / None
Group Affiliation Reda Robotica
Base of Operations None
Power Level 6
Power Points 90 = -6 (Abilities) + 0 (Defense) + 81 (Powers) + 3 (Advantages) + 12 (Skills)

ABILITIES (Total Cost [-6])

Strength (STR) 08 [16] Throw 6 tons distance 30 feet
Stamina (STA) -05 [-10] Constructs have no Stamina
Agility (AGL) 02 [04] Well above average
Dexterity (DEX) 00 [00] Average adult
Fighting (FGT) 02 [04] Well above average
Intellect (INT) -05 [-10] Automatons have no Intellect
Awareness (AWE) 00 [00] Average adult
Presence (PRE) -05 [-10] Automatons have no Presence

OFFENSE (Initiative +2 = Agility + Improved Initiative + Powers; Max attack + effect = PL x 2 = 12 or 6 if no attack roll)

Blaster: Repeating Fire +8 Ranged, Multiattack, Damage 4
Blaster: Stun Gun +8 Ranged, Cumulative Affliction 4
Pincer Attack ("Beware the Claw!") +4 Close, Damage 8

DEFENSE (Total Cost [0]; Max of Dodge/Parry + Toughness, or Fortitude + Will = PL x 2 = 12)

Dodge (AGL) 2 [0]
Parry (FGT) 2 [0]
Fortitude (STA) n/a Immune to Fortitude Effects
Toughness (STA) 10 Dodge/Parry + Toughness = 12
Will (AWE) 0

POWERS (Total Cost [81])

Armored Chassis [18] +10 Toughness; Ignore damage rank 4 or less.
-- Protection 10 [1 per] Defense, None, Personal, Permanent (p. 111)
Adds to Toughness.
-- Impervious 8 [+1 per] Ignore damage of 4 ranks or less (p. 129)

Built-In Blaster [17] Repeating Fire (Damage 4) or Stun Gun (Affliction 4) modes

Repeating Fire Mode [16]
-- Damage 4 [1 per] Attack, Standard, Ranged, Instant (p. 93)
-- Increased Range (Ranged) [+1 per] Increase range from Close to Ranged (100/200/400 feet) (p. 130)
-- Multiattack [+1 per] Single target: 2 successes = +2 DC, 3 successes = +5 DC (p. 131)
Multiple targets: penalty to-hit equal to number of targets
Covering attack: ally -2 to be hit from ranged attks of all enemies in range
-- Accurate 4 [1 per] +8 to hit with Blaster (p. 125)

Stun Gun Mode [1] Alternate Effect. Normal cost 16. TODO: AE is Alternate Effect
-- Affliction 4 [1 per] Attack, Standard, Close, Instant (p. 87)
Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated. Resisted by Dodge/Fortitude.
-- Alternate Resistance (Dodge) [+0 per] To be hit is vs Dodge, to recover is vs Fortitude
-- Cumulative [+1 per] Further damage adds to existing degrees of effect
-- Increased Range (Ranged) [+1 per] Increase range from Close to Ranged (100/200/400 feet) (p. 130)
-- Accurate 4 [1 per] +8 to hit with Stun Gun (p. 125)

Jetpack [12] 120 mph
-- Flight 6 [2 per] Movement, Free, Personal, Sustained (p. 99)

Robot [30] Immune to Fortitude Effects
-- Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [1 per] Defense, None, Personal, Permanent (p. 102)

Self-Repair Systems [1] Heals like normal human
-- Regeneration 1 [1 per] Defense, None, Personal, Permanent (p. 112)

Sensors [3] Darkvision + Radio
-- Senses 3 [1 per] Sensory, None, Personal, Permanent (p. 113)

ADVANTAGES (Total Cost [03])

Close Attack 02 [2] bonus to-hit with close attacks (armed, unarmed) (p. 72)
Interpose 01 [1] once per round take damage for ally hit from dice-rolled attack (p. 76)

SKILLS (Total Cost [12]; Max skill level = PL + 10 = 16)

Athletics (STR) 15 [3.5] Climbing, Jumping, Running, Swimming (p. 55)
Perception (AWE) 05 [2.5] Hear, See, Other Senses (p. 62)
Vehicles (DEX) 12 [6] Operate vehicles (p. 67)