DC Adventures Campaign - Sir Galahad
Sir Galahad is a Space Knight, here on Earth searching for the Space Holy Grail.
- Secret Identity: Gale Hadreon
- Defender of the Realm: Strives for the knightly ideal
- Stranded on a Primitive Planet: Galahad's space ship has been destroyed
- Dependent: Suzanne, squire.
- Issue 007 - Hires Suzanne as his squire.
Character Sheet
Player David Sweet
Hero Sir Galahad
Identity Gale Hedron (Secret)
Gender / Age Male / 32
Height / Weight 6'2" / 200 lb
Eyes / Hair Blue / Blonde
Group Affiliation None
Base of Operations None
Power Level 10
Power Points 150 = 68 (Abilities) + 18 (Defense) + 09 (Powers) + 30 (Advantages) + 25 (Skills)
ABILITIES (Total Cost [68])
Strength (STR) 05 [10] Throw 1600 lb distance 30 feet
Stamina (STA) 05 [10] Best in nation
Agility (AGL) 04 [08] Highly gifted
Dexterity (DEX) 03 [06] Gifted
Fighting (FGT) 10 [20] Moderate superhuman
Intellect (INT) 02 [04] Well above average
Awareness (AWE) 03 [06] Gifted
Presence (PRE) 02 [04] Well above average
OFFENSE (Initiative +8 = Agility + Improved Initiative + Powers; Max attack + effect = PL x 2 = 20 or 10 if no attack roll)
Sword of David +12 Close Damage 8, Penetrating 8; Attack + Damage = 20
Unarmed +10 Close Damage 5
DEFENSE (Total Cost [18]; Max of Dodge/Parry + Toughness or Fortitude + Will = PL x 2 = 20)
Dodge (AGL) 12 [06] Dodge 10 without Medium Shield; Dodge + Toughness = 20
Parry (FGT) 12 [00] Parry 10 without Medium Shield; Parry + Toughness = 20
Fortitude (STA) 10 [05] Fortitude + Will = 20
Toughness (STA) 08 Toughness 05 without Chainmail
Will (AWE) 10 [07]
POWERS (Total Cost [09])
Sword of David [8] Sword that can sense nearby magic
Senses 1 [1 per] Sensory, None, Personal, Permanent. (p. 113)
-- Awareness: Mystical 1 rank Perception vs DC 10, -1 per 10 feet range
Damage 3 [1 per] Attack, Standard, Close, Instant (p. 93)
-- Strength Based [flat +0] Adds to STR to determine total Damage
-- Penetrating 8 [flat +1 per] Counters Impervious Resistance (p. 131)
Easily Removable [flat -2 per 5] Item can be taken away with Disarm or Grab actions (p. 136)
Space Hardiness [1] Slow aging, immune to most diseases
Immunity 2 (Aging, Disease) [1 per] Defense, None, Personal, Permanent (p. 102)
ADVANTAGES (Total Cost [30])
All-out Attack 01 [1] All-out Attack Maneuver: Up to -5 Defense for +5 Attack (p. 69)
Equipment 02 [2] Up to 10 points in Equipment (p. 73)
Improved Initiative 01 [1] +4 to Initiative per level (p. 75)
Improved Smash 01 [1] No attack penalties to hit objects held by other characters (p. 75)
Interpose 01 [1] Once per round take damage instead of ally vs attacks with attack roll (p. 76)
Luck 2 02 [2] Extra Hero Points, used once per round, refreshes start of Adventure (p. 77)
Power Attack 01 [1] Power Attack Maneuver: Up to -5 Attack for +5 Damage (p. 77)
Sidekick 19 19 [19] Sidekick (Vanguard) built on 95 power points (p. 78)
Takedown 01 [1] When you incapacitate a minion, make same attack against adjacent minion, continuing until no more minions within range (p. 79)
Weapon Break 01 [1] Defend Action + Successful Defense => Attack Close-Ranged Weapon (p. 79)
SKILLS (Total Cost [25]; Max skill level = PL + 10 = 20)
Athletics (STR) 13 [4] Climbing, Jumping, Running, Swimming (p. 55)
Close Combat: Sword Attack (FGT) 12 [1] +2 to hit with Sword Attack for total +12 (p. 57)
Expertise: Riding (AGL) 14 [5] Knowledge and training to make a living (p. 59)
Expertise: Earth History (INT) 10 [4] Hobby; Knowledge and training to make a living (p. 59)
Insight (AWE) 09 [3] Detect Illusion/Influence, Evaluate, Innuendo, Resist Influence (p. 60)
Intimidation (PRE) 12 [5] Coercing, Demoralizing, Intimidating Minions (p. 60)
Perception (AWE) 09 [3] Hearing, Seeing, Other Senses (p. 62)
Secret Identity Gale Hedron
Defender of the Realm Strives for the knightly ideal.
Stranded on a Primitive Planet Sir Galahad's ship attacked, he landed on Earth in a life pod.
EQUIPMENT (Cost is in Equipment Points; Maximum is Equipment Advantage x 5)
Sword of David [n/a] Magic Sword; See Powers section
Chainmail [3] Protection 3
Medium Shield [4] +2 to Active Defense (Dodge and Parry)
Based on Shining Knight (Ystina), Heroes & Villains v2 p. 169.
Player David Sweet
Hero Vanguard
Identity Sir Galahad's Flying Steed
Gender / Age Male / xx
Height / Weight Size -1 (6 to 12 feet long) / Mass 4 (1600 to 3200 lb)
Eyes / Hair xx / xx
Group Affiliation None
Base of Operations None
Power Level 7
Power Points 95 = 24 (Abilities) + 17 (Defense) + 50 (Powers) + 02 (Advantages) + 02 (Skills)
ABILITIES (Total Cost [24])
Strength (STR) 06 [04] Carry 3200 lb; 4 ranks from Growth
Stamina (STA) 06 [04] 4 ranks from Growth
Agility (AGL) 02 [04]
Dexterity (DEX) 00 [00]
Fighting (FGT) 06 [12]
Intellect (INT) 00 [00] Human-level intelligence
Awareness (AWE) 02 [04]
Presence (PRE) -02 [-04]
OFFENSE (Initiative +2 = Agility + Improved Initiative + Powers; Max attack + effect = PL x 2 = 14 or 7 if no attack roll)
Eye Beams +6 Ranged Damage 8; Attack + Damage = 14
Unarmed +6 Close Damage 6
DEFENSE (Total Cost [17]; Max of Dodge/Parry + Toughness or Fortitude + Will = PL x 2 = 14)
Dodge (AGL) 08 [08] -2 from Growth; Dodge + Toughness = 14
Parry (FGT) 08 [04] -2 from Growth; Parry + Toughness = 14
Fortitude (STA) 08 [02] Fortitude + Will = 13
Toughness (STA) 06
Will (AWE) 05 [03]
POWERS (Total Cost [50])
Eye Beams [19] Ranged Damage 8, +6 to hit
Damage 8 [1 per] Attack, Standard, Ranged, Instant (p. 93)
-- Increase Range (Ranged) [+1 per] Range is 200/400/800 (p. 130)
-- Accurate 3 [flat +1 per] +6 to hit (p. 125)
Flying Horse [31] Fly at 16 000 mph, Run at 30 mph, Darkvision, Tracking Smell
Flight 13 [2 per] Movement, Free, Personal, Sustained (p.99); 16 000 mph
-- Wings [-1 per] Cannot fly if immobilized, restrained, or bound (p. 100)
Growth 4 [2 per] General, Fee, Personal, Permanent (p. 100)
-- Innate [1 flat] Growth cannot be Nullified (p. 130)
-- Permanent [+0] Cannot be turned off or increased by Extra Effort (p. 136)
Speed 4 [1 per] Movement, Free, Personal, Sustained (p. 117); 30 mph
Senses 5 [1 per] Sensory, None, Personal, Permanent (p. 113)
-- Acute + Tracking (Olfactory) [2] Sense fine details and can track at -1 Speed (p. 113 + 116)
-- Darkvision [2] See in complete darkness (p. 114)
-- Extended (Auditory) [1] Hearing check at -1 per 100 feet (p. 115)
ADVANTAGES (Total Cost [02])
Favored Environment (Aerial) 01 [1] +2 to hit OR +2 to active defenses, choose at start of each round (p. 74)
Interpose 01 [1] Once per round take damage instead of ally vs attacks with attack roll (p. 76)
SKILLS (Total Cost [02]; Max skill level = PL + 10 = 20)
Intimidation (PRE) 00 [0] Coercing, Demoralizing, Intimidating Minions (p. 60); +2 from Growth
Perception (AWE) 06 [4] Hearing, Seeing, Other Senses (p. 62)
Stealth (AGL) -02 [0] Hiding, Tailing (p. 65); -4 from Growth
Horse Although Vanguard can fly and talk, he's still pretty much an ordinary horse.
Devoted Devoted to Sir Galahad and will do everything possible to protect him.
EQUIPMENT (Cost is in Equipment Points; Maximum is Equipment Advantage x 5)
Based on Shining Knight's horse, Vanguard, Heroes & Villains v2 p. 169.