Kevin C. Wong

DC Adventures Campaign - Issue 13

Sep 15 2018 - vs Trinity and King Shark p1



Giant shark-man (King Shark) attacks Honeywell facility in Santa Clara. Heroes arrive afterwards. Reda examines camera footage and sees that a mysterious woman (Trinity) went into the NOC. But what did she do there?

A few days later another King Shark attack hits Ecobee. Once again the heroes are late and once again Reda determines that Trinity accessed the NOC network and uploaded some program to all the network connected smart thermostats. But no evidence can be found by Ecobee's engineers.

Obviously Nest is next and the heroes wait. King Shark and Trinity attack again. Radson and Tek Titan battle King Shark and almost beat him. KS uses his Hawaiian shark god powers to raise an obscuring mist and get away. Meanwhile Reda Robotica and Mystic S try to handle Trinity but she is nigh-on invisible. Trinity uploads her virus to Nest's thermostats and leaves.


  1. None

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