Pendragon Campaign - Amelia (Donald)
Born 489
Religion Roman Christian
Homage Earl Robert of Salisbury
Hatreds Saxons
Inheritance Abigail's lands
Items Fine Sword (+1 skill, +1 damage)
Location Acquired Lost Notes
Immediate Family
Spouse Married Notes
Children Born Died Notes
Extended Family
- Grandfather: Sir Aemilius of Knook (DEAD: At Battle of Eburacum)
- Grandmother: Roxane
- Father: Sir Gwion of Dumbord (DEAD)
- Half-Brother: Sir Brin of Dumford
- Mother: Lady Elinore of Knook (DEAD: Killed by Black Annis)
- Sister: Lady Abigail of Dumford
- Me: Lady Amelia
- Sister: Ariadne (DEAD)
- Sister: Anne (DEAD: Murdered)
Family Member Relationship Notes
Roxane Grandmother
Gaila Aunt 491 Kidnapped by Irish marauders (The Green), rescued
Aetius Cousin 487 Birth, Gaila's son
Brin Brother (half, older) Sir Gwion of Dumbford's son from previous partner
506 Rumor: illicit love affair - Lyzianor, daughter Earl Sanam of Bedegraine
508 Rumor: murdered someone
Abigail Sister (older) 509 Becomes distant and secretive (body possessed by Maleficent)
Family Events
Year Family Member Event
- Morgan le Fay - Abigail's friend. Owes an oath to look after Amelia if Abigail's true identity is revealed.
Personal Events
Year Subplot Event
510 Abigail/Maleficent Abigail tells Amelia never trust faeries, especially Merlin. Beware his manipulations.
Retrieves Coat of Beisrydd. Gives it to Gawain?
Apprenticed to Morgan. Retrieves Ring of Invisibility for Morgan.
Morgan says Abigail should switch to worshipping Old Gods.
Pagan virtues: Generous, Energetic, Honest, Lustful, Proud
Starting Spells
Roll Pagan virtue:
- Crit = 4 spells
- Succ = 3 spells
- Fail = 2 spells
- Fumb = 1 spell
- Roman Christian = -2 spells
- British Christian = -1 spells
Casting Spells
- Takes about 100 times longer
- 1 round ==> 10 minutes
- 1 minute ==> 2 hours
- 10 minutes ==> 1 day
- 1 hour ==> 1 week
- Can pre-cast and hold spells.
- Each held spell = -1 to all skills
- Held spell can be cast at normal casting time
- Chips can be used to change spell effects