Kevin C. Wong

Pendragon Campaign - Combat, Injury and Healing

Relevant Scores

Player Characters

  • Attack skill
  • Weapon Damage
  • Block = (Shield skill / 2) + 5
  • Dodge = (DX + HT) / 4 + 1, round down. +2 if no armor or shield.
  • Hit Points = ST + extra HP


  • Attack skill = KAP Attack Skill
  • Damage = (KAP Damage / 2) cut
    • Rocks, Clubs, Blunt objects = +1d damage and damage type cr
    • Arrows, Spears, Pointy thrusting weapons = -1d damage and damage type imp
  • (Optional) Armor = KAP Armor / 2
  • (Optional) Block = Attack Skill/2+5 (max 14), if opponent has shield
  • (Optional) Dodge = (DEX+CON)/4+3, -2 if opponent has armor and shield
  • (Optional) Hit Points = KAP HP / 2
  • (Optional) HT = KAP CON, or 12 if unknown

Combat Procedure

  1. PC rolls Attack
    • Crit: Opponent defeated, Opponent does not attack
    • Success: Opponent defeated, continue with Opponent attack
    • Failure: Opponent lives, continue with Opponent attack
    • Fumble: Opponent unharmed, roll on Fumble table
  2. Opponent rolls Attack
    • Crit: Roll on crit table, PC automatically takes damage (no Defense)
    • Success: PC rolls Defense
    • Failure, Fumble: PC takes no damage
  3. PC rolls Defense
    • Crit: No damage. Can crit even if Defense < 3
    • Success: No damage
    • Failure, Fumble: Take damage

Combat Variations

PC vs PC

  1. Initiative = (DX + HT) / 4, round down, + 3d (+2 for Combat Reflexes)
  2. Winner attacks, opponent rolls defense, damage applied
  3. Loser attacks, opponent rolls defense, damage applied
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3

PC vs Multiple Opponents

  • Use standard Combat Procedure
  • In step 1, PC attacks one Opponent
  • In step 2, each Opponent gets an Attack. Crit attack negates PC defense vs that attack only.
  • In step 3, PC can only Block one attack, other attacks must be Dodged
  • After step 3, reduce Opponents by 1, if any left return to step 1

PC vs Big Monster

  • Treat big monster as multiple opponents one main attack and zero or more secondary attacks
  • Multiple PCs can attack big monster. Crit negates a secondary attack, never main attack.
  • Big Monster main attack cannot be Blocked. Some main attacks can hit multiple PCs.

Day Long Battle (No Battle Rounds)

  1. PC rolls an appropriate attribute (ST, DX, IQ, HT), skill (Weapon, Shield, Battle, Horsemanship, etc.), Trait (Valorous, Reckless, Energetic, etc.) or Passion (Hate Saxon, Homage/Fealty if Liege/Lord present, Love Family if protecting home, etc).
    • Crit = No Damage taken
    • Success = 2d - armor
    • Failure = 4d - armor
    • Fumble = 6d - armor
  2. Afterwards can get one round of First Aid.
  3. In general it should be one roll for the day.

One Roll Combat

  1. Choose skill. For attack go to 2, for defense (Shield/Dodge/Parry) go to 3.
  2. Roll Attack skill, resolve then back to 1.
    • Crit = Opponent defeated, 1d damage - DR taken
    • Succ = Opponent defeated, 2d damage - DR taken
    • Fail = Opponent defeated, 3d damage - DR taken
    • Fumb = 4d damage - DR taken
  3. Roll Defense skill, resolve then back to 1.
    • Crit = Opponent defeated, no damage taken
    • Succ = Opponent defeated, 1d damage - DR taken
    • Fail = 2d damage - DR taken
    • Fumb = 3d damage - DR taken
  4. For big monsters, instead of Opponent defeated do damage to monster.

Critical Hit Table

3d Roll Effect

3 Triple damage
4 Armor protects x1/2, round down
5 Double damage
6 Maximum normal damage
7 If any damage penetrates then Major Wound
8 PC vs PC combat: double shock + random location temporarily crippled
9 No extra effect
10 No extra effect
11 No extra effect
12 PC vs PC combat: target drops weapon
13 If any damage penetrates then Major Wound
14 If any damage penetrates then Major Wound
15 Maximum normal damage
16 Double damage
17 Armor protects x1/2, round down
18 Triple damage

Fumbled Attack Table

3d Roll Effect

3 Weapon breaks (Magic weapon: roll again and can break)
4 Weapon breaks (Magic weapon: roll again and can break)
5 Hit yourself (imp/pi attack: roll again and can hit self)
6 Hit yourself for 1/2 damage (imp/pi attack: roll again and can hit self)
7 Defend at -2 to Block/Dodge
8 Weapon turns: -2 to next Attack or switch weapon
9 Drop weapon: -4 to next Attack or switch weapon
10 Drop weapon: -4 to next Attack or switch weapon
11 Drop weapon: -4 to next Attack or switch weapon
12 Weapon turns: -2 to next Attack or switch weapon
13 Defend at -2 to Block/Dodge
14 If sw damage weapon then throw weapon: -4 to next Attack or switch weapon
15 Strain shoulder: -4 to Attack (offhand use) + no shield for rest of battle
16 Defend at -2 to Block/Dodge
17 Weapon breaks (Magic weapon: roll again and can break)
18 Weapon breaks (Magic weapon: roll again and can break)


Hit Point Thresholds

Threshold Effect

1/3 or less HP 1/2 Move and 1/2 Dodge, round up
0 or less HP Roll HT-4 to remain Conscious
-HP (fully negative) Roll HT-5 to remain Conscious and roll HT or die
-2xHP Roll HT-6 to remain Conscious and roll HT or die
-3xHP Roll HT-7 to remain Conscious and roll HT or die
-4xHP Roll HT-8 to remain Conscious and roll HT or die
-5xHP Dead
-10xHP Dead and body hacked to pieces, burned to crips, crushed to paste, etc.

Major Wound

  • Damage taken > HP/2 is a Major Wound
  • HT+3 roll (HT-2 if you were critted) or be Stunned: Opponent gets free attack and PC is -4 to Defense
  • If fail above roll by 5+ (or Fumble): Knocked Out


  • First Aid: 30 minutes, heals 1d-3 (min 1) HP or 3 on crit
  • Natural Recovery: HT roll to heal 1 HP each day, -4 if doing strenuous activity (i.e. adventuring)
  • Medical Care: Chirurgery roll to heal 1 HP each week (2 HP on crit, -1 HP on fumble), up to 10 patients
  • Healing Potion: 1d or more HP. There is always a Cost (e.g. possible Attribute loss).