Pendragon Campaign - Magic
Magic spells are based on using D&D 5E spell cards. Costs for gaining magical abilities are based on GURPS, paid with Advantage Points (ADV) gained during Glory and Advancement.
Magery Level ADV Cost Max Spell Spell Cards Max Cards
None (Most People) 0 n/a n/a n/a
0 (Hedge Wizard) 5 Level 1 1/2 per 2
1 (Faeries) +10 = 15 Level 3 1 per session 4
2 (Max PC Level) +10 = 25 Level 5 2 per 8
3 (Major Wizards, e.g. Morgan) +10 = 35 Level 7 3 per 12
4 (Merlin) +10 = 45 Level 9 4 per 16
Purchasing Spell Cards
Spell cards cost 1 ADV per random card (choose spell level, pick random card). A wizard cannot have more cards of a given level than then previous level. For example, if a wizard has five Level 5 cards they cannot purchase more than five Level 6 cards.
Spell Cards in Hand
At the start of each session a wizard receives a number of random spell cards (from among all their spells) equal to their Magery level (Magery 0 = 1 card every other session). The maximum number of cards they can hold is equal to Magery x4 (Magery 0 = 2 cards).
Casting Spells
- Effective Skill = Any Religious Trait + Magery Level - Spell Level -1 per maintained spell + Discarded Spell Card Levels.
- Religious Trait: Based on Knight's religion. The same Trait can be used over and over but will limit Glory rewards.
- Maintained Spell: Every spell with an ongoing effect gives a penalty to the spell's caster.
- Discard Spell Card levels: PCs can discard in hand spell cards and get a skill bonus equal to spell level.