Pendragon Campaign - Spring Phase
Spring Phase Form v5 - handout for PCs
My gaming group has always interpreted events during winter phase as either happening now or have happened in the last year, which makes it hard to weave events into the story since they already occurred. When I started this campaign I split Winter Phase into two: the stuff done at the beginning of the year and the stuff at the end of the year.
Now that I'm redoing things I'm changing this to Spring Phase. Everything is happening during the Winter or in the upcoming year. It's mostly notational but it imparts a different way of looking at this phase.
This form is mostly from the KAP rulebook with the following changes:
- All sections - d20 rolls and tables replaced with 3d rolls, modifiers adjusted to suit.
- Section 1 - Solo adventure is used to get one additional check.
- Section 2 - Instead of skill increases PC gets glory
- Section 3 - Age checks based on GURPS rules (p. 444)
- Section 4 - Economic Circumstance is based on Status rather then on how much PCs spend.
- Section 6a - I'm not doing money so marriage can give manors but not libra.
- Section 6b - Female PC knights so instead of mother dies it's spouse dies.
- Also, Childbirth and Family Events are for next year so GM has the option of adding it to an adventure.
- Section 7 - Training and Practice is done as part of Level Advancement.
- Section 9 - Instead of Glory Bonus PCs do Level Advancement.
Spring Phase Form
Note: Other than the solo, no Winter Phase rolls generate checks. Starting PCs skip their first Spring Phase.
1. Solo Scenarios during Last Winter
If PC wants a solo (for an extra check) they can nominate an Attribute, Skill, Trait or Passion to roll and suggest a scenario.
2. Attribute, Skill, Trait and Passion (ASTP) Glory
2a. Glory per ASTP
Check Glory
/ Equal to ASTP value
X or ✳︎ Double ASTP value
2b. ASTP loss: ✳︎ reduces ASTP by one point.
2c. Erase checks.
3. Aging.
If 35+ years old then roll HT for each Attribute. Luck cannot be used for these rolls.
Result Attribute Loss
Crit or Success None
Failure Lose 1 point
Fumble or 17/18 Lose 2 points
4. Economic Circumstance
Status Effects
Free Lance Stable Roll -2, Child Survival -2
Knight or Vassal Knight No modifiers
Banneret Knight Child Survival +1
Baron/Count or greater nobility Stable Roll +3, Child Survival +2, Childbirth +3
5. Stable Rolls. Remember Economic Circumstance.
Roll per horse not in your herd (usually anything better than a Charger). Horse fate does not override adventuring events.
3d Roll Result
3-5 Horse dies this year
6 Horse crippled this year
7+ Horse is healthy
6. Family Rolls
6a. Marriage
For Vassal Knights:
1) Below Class: Homage (Lord) roll. If success then marriage worth 10 glory.
2) Above Class: Only through game play.
3) Within Class: Courtesy roll. If success can either wait a year (with a cumulative +1 on marriage table) or roll now.
3d Roll Spouse's Rank Manors Glory
3-8 Wealthy Commoner 0 0
9 Child of esquire 0 10
10 Child of household knight 0 50
11 Eldest child of rich vassal knight 0 100
12-17 Child of vassal knight 0 100
18-22 Heir(ess) of vassal knight 1 100
23-24 Heir(ess) of wealthy vassal knight 2 300
25+ Younger child of baron 1 250
For nobles:
1) Below Class: As for Vassal Knight within class.
2) Within or Above Class: Only through game play.
6b. Children - Childbirth for This Year
If married, roll for Childbirth. If not married, may roll if player wishes. Remember Economic Circumstance.
3d Roll Childbirth
3-10 No children
11 Child dies at childbirth, spouse dies later
12 Child born, but spouse dies later this year
13 Twins born
14+ Child born
Child gender. d6: odd = female, even = male
6c. Children - Child Survival for This Year
Roll for each child under 15 years of age, including newborn children. Remember Economic Circumstance.
3d Roll Child Survival
3-6 Child dies this year
7-10 Child ill this year, but lives
11+ Child lives
6d. Family Event for This Year
a. Event
3d Roll Event
3 Family member missing or lost (see table b)
4 No event
5-6 Family member missing or lost (see table b)
7 Marriage of (see table b)
8 Death of (see table b)
9 Marriage of (see table b)
10-11 Birth in family of (see table b)
12 No event
13 Scandalous rumor (see table b then c)
14 Marriage of (see table b)
15-16 Family member missing or lost (see table b)
17 No event
18 Family member missing or lost (see table b)
b. Family Member
3d Roll Family Member
3-5 Grandfather
6 Uncle
7 Brother
8-9 Roll d6: 1-3 = Father or 4-6 = Mother
10 Brother
11 Sister
12 Roll d6: 1-3 = Male or 4-6 = Female Cousin
13 Roll d6: 1-3 = Father or 4-6 = Mother
14 Sister
15 Aunt
16-18 Grandmother
If result doesn't make sense then roll again. If second roll doesn't make sense then no event.
b. Scandalous Rumor (only if table a = 13)
3d Roll Scandal
3-5 Insulted a lord
6 Impoverished, badly in debt
7 Adulterer
8 Cheated at a tournament
9 Roll d6: 1-3 = Kidnapper or 4-6 = Murderer
10-11 Illicit love affair
12 Roll d6: 1-3 = Heretic or 4-6 = Necromancer
13 Horse-thief
14 Adulterer
15 Illicit love affair
16-18 Roll again (reroll 16-18), this time rumor is proved true