GURPS BattleTech

Character Generation


New MechWarrior 3E Affiliations

Player characters should be from one of the following two affiliations. No more than two characters should be from the Blowfish Mercenary affiliation.

Altairan Native

As a border world with easy access to Terra and the other four Successor States, the Draconis Combine world of Altair has always been a bit more cosmopolitan and less rigid than the rest of the combine. Being a relatively minor world, the Warlord of the Dieron District has mostly left it alone to its own self-governance. With the return of Duchess Selena Kyle in the mid 3020's, Altair has slowly been built into a more active participant in the local stellar region.

Primary Language: Japanese

Secondary Languages: English, German, Mandarin

Bonus Skills: Art/Oral Traditions +2, Martial Arts/Karate +1, Language/Any Non-Primary or Non-Secondary +1

Bonus Traits: Attractive

Path Restrictions: In 3030 Duchess Selena Kyle established the Altairan Royal Military Academy and intensely recruited the best and brightest Altairans. Altairans from any path may enroll in the ARMA from any Stage 2 Life Path, assuming they fulfill the ARMA prerequisites.

Notes: the skills are basically watered down versions of the Draconis Combine affiliation. To make up for that there are no real path restrictions.

Blowfish Mercenary

Formed in 3020, the Blowfish mercenary company has bounced around the Inner Sphere, mostly working for the Draconis Combine and Capellan Confederation. Official the Blowfish were disbanded in 3030 and absorbed to form the nucleus of the Altairan Royal Armed Forces. Still, the ARAF of 3034 is still about one-half former Blowfish, and almost all of the Mech forces are former Blowfish, so the ARAF for all practical purposes are the Blowfish.

Although not born into the Blowfish, characters from this affiliation spent most of their formative early years tromping around with the Blowfish dependents. As such, they have picked up several languages. Exposure to the Blowfish icons has also influenced their other bonus skill.

Primary Language: English

Secondary Languages: Japanese, Mandarin, Russian, Swedenese

Bonus Skills: Language/Any Secondary +2, Language/Any Non-Primary or Non-Secondary +1, one of: Administration, Protocol/Draconis Combine or Capellan Confederation, Seduction,  orTechnician/Any at +1.

Bonus Traits: Gregarious

Path Restrictions: Stage 1 Path must be Blowfish Dependent.

Notes: the four bonus skill choices are representative of the first four Blowfish -- Clyde Brown, Selena Kyle, Sir Wrigley, and Izzy Finch.

New MechWarrior 3E Life Paths

Blowfish Dependent (Stage 1) [Base Point Value = 5]

Early on in life your family joined the Blowfish and you've been part of that extended family ever since. You were raised on a dozen different worlds and the only stable part of your life were the other Blowfish kids and families.

Attribute Thresholds: CHA +1, EDG +1, SOC -1

Traits: Proud Heritage (2) [Blowfish-bred]

Skills: Cooking +1, Scrounge +1, Streetwise/Draconis Combine or Capellan Confederation +1, Survival +1

Next Path: Mercenary Brat (2)

Blowfish Dependent Events (roll 2d6)

2.You hang around Jinx long enough for his bad luck to rub off on you. [Animal Antipathy, Unlucky (2), Stigma/Jinx]

3.Shaniqua Johnson takes you on a motorcycle ride which ends up badly for you. [Disabled, Lost Limb, Poor Hearing, Poor Vision]

4.No matter how hard Selena Kyle tries to teach you, you just can't seem to fit in high society. [Clumsy, Introvert, Timid]

5.Even at a tender age, Sir Wrigley manages to impart his worldly habits on you. [Addiction/Sex, Glass Jaw, High Endurance, Quirk/Throw Extravagant Parties, Seduction +1, Whip +1]

6.Take a joyride in Selena Kyle's Mech. She never quite forgives you. [Enemy (2), Can't attend ARMA]

7.Mr O teaches you the importance of Assault Mechs [Quirk/Prefer Biggest (slowest in case of ties) Mech]

8.Freak coolant accident while helping Izzy Finch leaves you sensitive to abnormal temperatures. [Thin-Skinned]

9.Roger Isa sees your potential as a great teacher. [Natural Aptitude/Training]

10.Monkeying around with Izzy Finch, you discover your true calling. But an arc-welding accident ruins your eyesight. [Night Blindness, Quirk/Must Investigate New Technology, Tech Empathy]

11.Roy Fowlker teaches you to be a natural pilot. Unfortunately you also pick up his gusto for action. [Impatient, Natural Aptitude/Piloting/Mech]

12.Pick up learning techiques from Roger Isa. As if to balance your karma, everything you touch seems to end up broken. [Fast Learner, Lemon]

13.Clyde Brown picks you as his administrative protégé. [Natural Aptitude/Administration]

14.Sir Wrigley turns you from a boy (or girl) into a man (or woman). [CHA +1, Natural Aptitude/Seduction]

15.Jinx shows you how to use your karma to be an unnaturally lucky shot. [Natural Aptitude/Gunnery/Any/Humanoid, other two Gunnery/Any/Humanoid skills at +1 each]

16.Selena Kyle teaches you manners. [Natural Aptitude/Protocol/Draconis Combine, Chic +2, Fast Talk +1, Negotiation +1, Protocol/Draconis Combine +1, Protocol/Capellan Confederation +1]

17.Clyde Brown teaches you how to manipulate the system to get what you want. [Natural Aptitude/Bureaucracy/Draconis Combine, Owns Vehicle, Administration +1, Bureaucracy/Draconis Combine +1]

18.Katherine Pryde takes you under her wing and molds you into a proper Clan Warrior. [DEX +1, RFL +1, EDG -1, SOC -1, Exceptional Attribute/DEX, Exceptional Attribute/RFL, Natural Aptitude/Gunnery/Any/Humanoid, Natural Aptitude/Piloting/Mech, Natural Aptitude/Tactics/Mech, Quirk/Clan Honor, Quirk/Elitism]

19.[Roll twice and apply both results, no duplicates]

20.[Roll three times and apply each result, no duplicates]

Altairan Royal Military Academy (Stage 3)

The ARMA is the same as the standard Military Academy package with the following modifications. The modifications reflect the higher attribute minimums due to increased competition and less field skill points due to the more primitive facilities.

Attribute Minimums: INT 4, WIL 4, EDG 4, SOC 2

Traits: Promotion, Quirk/Loyalty to Altairan Royalty, Stigma/Attended a Lesser School, Vehicle (2)

Skills: For all skills, affiliation is Draconis Combine.

Events: To add variety we use three different event tables...

Roll d6:

•1-2 use Military Academy Events

•3-4 use Major Draconis Combine Academy Events (Companion, p51)

•5-6 use Training Battalion Events. (Companion, p78)

Military Academy Events

For Event-11 replace Vehicle (4) and Custom Vehicle with Vehicle (2) and Contact (3) [Selena Kyle]. {Rationale: since the ARMA path already gives Vehicle (2), the extra Vehicle (4) combined with a possible Vehicle (2) from Stage 2 gives the PC an Assault Mech which I don't want them to have. At best if they're lucky (rolling two 11's) they can start with a Heavy Mech.}

Advanced Individual Training


•Aerospace Pilot (DEX 5, RFL 5) [Field skills only at +2 each]

•Aircraft Pilot (DEX 5, RFL 4) [Field skills only at +2 each]


•Dropship Pilot (DEX 5) [Field skills only at +2 each]


•Marine (WIL 5) [Field skills only at +2 each]

•MechWarrior (DEX 4, RFL 5)

•Scientist (INT 4) [Field skills only at +2 each]


•Ship's Crew (Field skills only at +2 each]

Special Training

Traits: Promotion, Wealth


•Doctor (Scientist field required, DEX 5, INT 6) [Field skills only at +2 each]

•Jumpship Pilot (Dropship Pilot field required, INT 6, no TDS) [Field skills only at +2 each]

•Military Scientist (INT 6) [Field skills only at +2 each]

•Special Forces (Infantry, Marine, MechWarrior, Scout field required, BOD 5, RFL 5, INT 4, WIL 6, Field skills only at +2 each]

Officer Candidate School

Traits: Commission (Rank 1), Quirk/Loyalty to Altairan Royalty


The objective of this conversion system is to represent MechWarrior RPG characters in GURPS terms that are approximately right. A direct point cost conversion -- where the same point cost MW characters would cost the same as GURPS characters -- is unrealistic because MechWarrior values certain statistics differently. In the end, because MechWarrior 3E is a relatively comprehensive game, I want a GURPS game using the standard rules but tailored to the MechWarrior universe (i.e. with its own skill list, advantages and disadvantages) rather than GURPS characters who happen to play in the BattleTech universe.

Judging by the same characters, MechWarrior 3E characters have attributes ranging from 4 to 7 out of a scale of 1 to 10. Simple conversion to GURPS is to double the MW attribute.





ST, DX and HT costs are appropriate to each other. IQ is effectively half cost, but note below that Will and Charisma are partly based off of MW INT, so players have to spend points into MW WIL and MW CHA to make up for things that normally come "free" with IQ.

GURPS Will = (MW WIL - MW INT) x 10 character points

Points convert to adding or subtracting from your Will attribute, at 5 character points per Will point.

GURPS Charisma = (MW CHA - MW INT) x 10 character points

Points are used to buy either Charisma or a social disadvantage. Most Influence skills are IQ based, which is why MW CHA is modified by MW INT. Possible disadvantages include:

Bad Smell [-10], Bully [-10], Clueless [-10], Delusions [-5 to -15],

Low Empathy [-20], No Sense of Humor [-10], Oblivious [-5],

Odious Personal Habit [-5 to -15], Shyness [-5 to -20], Stuttering [-10]

GURPS Luck (Edge) = MW EDG

The Edge enhancement to Luck reflects MW Edge. An Edge point can be used to affect Skill checks (only) [Accessability 1/2 time, -20%], of either the character or an NPC trying to affect the character, in the following ways:

1. +/- 4 to the Skill check, declared before the roll. [8]

2. +/- 2 to the Skill check, declared after the roll. [4 x 2 = 8]

3. Reroll Skill check, without using Edge, and accept new result. [-20%]

Used Edge is recovered as follows [Limited Use, 1/day, -40%]:

1. Recover 1 Edge for doing a "good deed".

2. Recover 1 Edge for Karmic Backlash (i.e. something bad happens).

3. Recover 1 Edge by spending one character point.

The maximum amount of Edge a character can buy is determined by the MW Edge maximum. In total, Edge is a +16/-80% enhancement making Luck (Edge) cost (6.2 rounds to) 7 character points per level.

GURPS Status = MW SOC - 2

Inner Sphere Status Table

Status  Title (Draconis Combine Title)  Cost of Living (per Month)

8       Sovereign (Coordinator)         200 Million

7       Duke (Shogun)                   20 Million

6       Marquess (Daimyo)               2 Million

5       Count (Tozama Daimyo)           200 Thousand

4       Baron (Shugo)                   20 Thousand

3       Baronet (Samurai)               4000

2       Upper Class                     1000

1       Middle Class                    400

0       Lower Class (Commoner)          200

-1      Slave (Unproductive)            100

Cost of Living is GURPS Cost of Living (p 265) divided by 3 (because 1 C-bill is worth $3). Military provides room and board equivalent to a cost of living of level (Rank/3), this is the same as the Status bonus of high Rank.

Attribute Maximums

For this campaign, MW Attribute Maximums limit the corresponding GURPS characteristics (i.e. ST, DX, IQ, HT, Will, Charisma, Luck (Edge), Status). Charisma is the only characteristic that has a non-obvious maximum:

  Max Charisma = (MW Max Cha x 2) - current IQ

In other words, IQ + Cha can never be above Max Charisma.

Tech Level

The Inner Sphere of 3034 is at Tech Level 8. Major Periphery States are at Tech Level 7. Minor Periphery States are at Tech Level 6 or 7. Not that this is a general tech level, as most worlds have contact with Jumpship and BattleMech technology.

MW Tech Level A = GURPS Tech Level 0-4

MW Tech Level B = GURPS Tech Level 5-6

MW Tech Level C = GURPS Tech Level 7

MW Tech Level D = GURPS Tech Level 8

MW Tech Level E = GURPS Tech Level 9

MW Tech Level F = GURPS Tech Level 10

Cultural Familiarities

Available familiarities in 3034 are: Capellan Confederation, Draconis Combine, Federated Suns, Free Worlds League, Lyran Commonwealth, Periphery. Comstar characters hould use their birth culture as their native culture. Blowfish Dependent characters should use Draconis Combine as their native culture.


The following GURPS Template should be applied to every character:


Languages: After converting languages (see skills section), add 6 points to the language skills. Primary language and English language should be brought up to native/native. Remaining points should be used to get other languages to accented speaking level, priority going to Secondary languages. [6]


Duty (4th Altairan Lancers, 15-, Extremely Hazardous) [-20]


Area Knowledge (IQ/E)

  (Galaxy: Inner Sphere) at Default of IQ-4 [0]

  (Interplanetary State: Affiliation nation) at Default of IQ-4 [0]

  (Planet: Altair) at Default of IQ-4 [0]

  (Planet: Birth world) at Default of IQ-4 [0]

Current Affairs (IQ/E)

  (Galaxy: Inner Sphere) at Default of IQ-4 [0]

  (Interplanetary State: Affiliation nation) at Default of IQ-4 [0]

  (Planet: Altair) at Default of IQ-4 [0]

  (Planet: Birth world) at Default of IQ-4 [0]

Geography (Regional) (IQ/H)

  (Galaxy: Inner Sphere) at Default of IQ-6 [0]

  (Interplanetary State: Affiliation nation) at Default of IQ-6 [0]

  (Planet: Altair) at Default of IQ-6 [0]

  (Planet: Birth world) at Default of IQ-6 [0]

History (Regional) (IQ/H)

  (Galaxy: Inner Sphere) at Default of IQ-6 [0]

  (Interplanetary State: Affiliation nation) at Default of IQ-6 [0]

  (Planet: Altair) at Default of IQ-6 [0]

  (Planet: Birth world) at Default of IQ-6 [0]

MechWarrior Traits


Some traits only apply during character generation and don't convert to GURPS. Hence these traits are wasted if not taken advange of during character generation. Other traits affect the characters starting vehicle. Though those traits don't convert, the character still has whatever vehicle he generated. In general, MW traits that give a numeric Task Number modifier should give double the GURPS modifier. Otherwise one MW character point equals about 10 GURPS character points.

(CO) are traits found in CBT Companion. Underlined advantages and disadvantages were specifically created for GURPS BattleTech.

Addiction [1-2]: x10 points of Addiction for substance abuse or Compulsive Behavior for behavioral addictions.

  Alcohol: Alcoholism [-15]

  Drugs: Addiction (Heroin: very expensive, incapacitating, totally addictive, illegal) [-40]

  Smoking: Addiction (Tobacco: cheap, highly addictive, legal) [-5]

  Painkillers: Addiction (Morphine: expensive, incapacitating, highly addictive, illegal) [-25]

  Astrology: Compulsive Behavior (Astrology, 12-) [-5]

  Gambling: Compulsive Behavior (Gambling, 12-) [-5]

Alertness (CO) [2]: +6 to Perception [30]

Allergy [1]: Weakness (1d/5m, occasional, fatigue only) [-5]

Allergy/Space Travel [1]: Space Sickness [-10]

Alternate Identity (CO) [2]: Alternate Identity (Legal/Illegal) [5/15]

  Player can choose a Legal identity (i.e. sponsored by the government) or an Illegal identity (i.e. no one else knows but is against the law).

Ambidextrous [2]: Ambidexterity [5]

Amnesia [3]: Amnesia (Total) [-25]

Animal Antipathy [1] (CO): Frightens Animals [-10]

Animal Empathy (CO) [1]: Animal Friend 4 [20]

Attractive [1]: Appearance: Handsome/Beautiful [12]

Bad Reputation [1]: Reputation (one planet) -4 [-6]

Bad Reputation [2]: Reputation (small state/class of people) -4 [-10]

Bad Reputation [3]: Reputation (large state) -4 [-13]

Bad Reputation [4]: Reputation (Inner Sphere) -4 [-20]

Bad Reputation [5]: Reputation (Universe) -4 [-20]

Brave [1]: Fearlessness 4 [8]

Clumsy [2] (CO): Total Klutz [-15]

Combat Paralysis [4]: Combat Paralysis [-15]

Combat Sense [4]: Combat Reflexes [15]

  Combat Sense is basically a +3 to initiative. Combat Reflexes doesn't give much of an initiative bonus but adds other bonuses. Though not really the same, both advantages have the same spirit: the character is a natural combatant.

Commission [3]: see Rank

Contact [1]: Contact (skill 15, 15-, usually reliable) [12]

Contact [2]: Contact (skill 18, 15-, usually reliable) [18]

Contact [3]: Contact (skill 21, 12-, completely reliable) [24]

Custom Vehicle [1-6]: As is, converts to specific vehicle/Mech

Dark Secret [1] (CO): Secret (Serious Embarrassment) [-5]

Dark Secret [2] (CO): Secret (Utter Rejection) [-10]

Dark Secret [3-4] (CO): Secret (Imprisonment or Exile) [-20]

Dark Secret [5] (CO): Secret (Possible Death) [-30]

Demotion [1]: see Rank

Dependents [1-2]: x10 points of Dependents disadvantage. Examples:

  Dependents [1]: Dependents (50%,  Friend, 12-) [-10]

  Dependents [1]: Dependents (50%,  Loved One, 9-) [-10]

  Dependents [2]: Dependents (25%, Friend, 12-) [-20]

  Dependents [2]: Dependents (25%, Loved One, 9-) [-20]

Disabled [1-3]: x10 points of GURPS physical disabilities. Note that disabilities covered by other traits are listed there (e.g. Poor Hearing and Poor Vision). Some examples:

    Disabled [1]: Bad Grip [-5], Colorblindness [-10], Ham-Fisted [-5], Hunchback [-10], No Sense of Smell/Taste [-5], Wounded [-5]

    Disabled [2]: Bad Back (Mild) [-15], Ham-Fisted 2 [-10], Neurological Disorder (Mild) [-15], No Depth Perception [-15], Numb [-20], One Eye [-15], Restricted Vision (No Peripheral Vision) [-15]

    Disabled [3]: Bad Back (Severe) [-25], Mute [-25], Epilepsy [-30], Hemophilia [-30], Neurological Disorder (Severe) [-35], Restricted Vision (Tunnel Vision) [-30]

    Disabled [x]: Chronic Pain [-1 to -90]

Elemental Phenotype: As is, affects attribute thresholds during chargen

Enemy [1-3]: x10 points of Enemies.

  Enemy [1]: Enemy (same level or small group, Hunter, 9-) [-10]

  Enemy [1]: Enemy (same level or small group, Rival, 12-) [-10]

  Enemy [2]: Enemy (2x level or medium group, Hunter, 9-) [-20]

  Enemy [2]: Enemy (2x level or medium group, Rival, 12-) [-20]

  Enemy [3]: Enemy (5x level or large group, Hunter, 9-) [-30]

  Enemy [3]: Enemy (5x level or large group, Rival, 12-) [-30]

Exceptional Attribute [2]: As is, affects attr maxium (chargen & after). Also add +1 to MW attr (corresponds to +2 ST/HT or +1 DX/IQ). For Edge this is +2.

Fast Learner  [3]: Talent (ALL) 1 [30]

Fit [CO]: Very Fit [15]

Fighter Pilot Phenotype: As is, affects attr thresholds during chargen

G-Tolerance [1]: Improved G-Tolerance (0.5G) [10]

Glass Jaw [3]: Vulnerability (Physical + Energy, x1.5) [-40]

Good Hearing [1]: Acute Hearing 2 [4]

Good Reputation [1]: Reputation (one planet) +4 [7]

Good  Reputation [2]: Reputation (small state/class of people) +4 [10]

Good  Reputation [3]: Reputation (large state) +4 [14]

Good  Reputation [4]: Reputation (Inner Sphere) +4 [20]

Good  Reputation [5]: Reputation (Universe) +4 [20]

Good Vision [1]: Acute Vision 2 [4]

Gregarious [1]: Charisma 2 [10]; Increase Charisma Max by 2.

High Endurance [CO]: Fit [5]

Impatient [1] (CO): Impulsiveness (12-) [-10]

In For Life [3]: Duty (9-, Extremely Hazardous, Involuntary) [-15]

Introvert [1]: Shyness (Severe) [-10]

Land Grant [5-10]: This is Wealth with Independent Income.

  Land Grant [5]: Filthy Rich [50] + Independent Income 17 [17]

  Land Grant [6]: Multimillionaire 1 [75] + Independent Income 3 [3]

  Land Grant [7]: Multimillionaire 1 [75] + Independent Income 13 [13]

  Land Grant [8]: Multimillionaire 2 [100] + Independent Inc 12 [12]

  Land Grant [9]: Multimillionaire 3 [125] + Independent Inc 10 [10]

  Land Grant [10]: Multimillionaire 4 [150] + Independent Inc 20 [20]

Lemon [2]: Lemon [-20]

  Any vehicle character uses breaks down more often. Any fumble increases the severity (from jammed to "virtual" crit, "virtual" crit to real crit). Additionally, before each battle roll one set of "critical hits" for vehicle (i.e. roll location, roll for number of crits, resolve crits) but using three dice (12+ is three crits). These items start out "jammed" and can be fixed during combat with appropriate rolls. Any critical hits scored against the vehicle also produce a like number of "jams" in the same location. All repairs on this vehicle are made with a -2 penalty.

Lost Limb [1]: Missing Digit [-2 or -5]

Lost Limb [3]: Lame (Crippled Leg) [-10] or One Hand [-15]

Lost Limb [5]: Lame (Missing Leg) [-20] or One Arm [-20]

Lost Limb [10]: Lame (Legless or Paraplegic) [-30]

Lost Limb [20]: Quadriplegic [-80]

Low Endurance [1] (CO): Unfit [-5]

Madness [1-4] (CO): severity of Madness is Self-Control roll

  Madness [1] = Self-Control 15- (x 0.5)

  Madness [2] = Self-Control 12- (x 1)

  Madness [3] = Self-Control 9- (x 1.5)

  Madness [4] = Self-Control 6- (x 2)

  Madness (Beserker): Berserk [-10]

  Madness (Catatonia): Chronic Depression [-15]

  Madness (Confusion): Confusion [-10]

  Madness (Flashbacks) [1-2]: Flashbacks (Mild) [-5]

  Madness (Flashbacks) [3]: Flashbacks (Severe) [-10]

  Madness (Flashbacks) [4]: Flashbacks (Crippling) [-20]

  Madness (Hysteria): Cowardice [-10]

  Madness (Paranoia) [1-4]: Paranoia [-10]

  Madness (Regressed): Delusion (Younger Self, Major) [-10]

  Madness (Schizophrenia): Split Personality [-15]

MechWarrior Phenotype: As is, affects attr thresholds during chargen

Natural Aptitude [1-2]: Talent with one skill +2 [4]

Night Blindness [1]: Night Blindness [-10]

Night Vision [1]: Night Vision +5 [5]

Owns Vehicle [4]: As is, converts to owning vehicle

Pain Resistance [3]: High Pain Threshold [10]

Patience (CO) [1]: Single-Minded [5]

Poison Resistance [1]: Resistant (Poisons) +3 [5]

Poor Hearing [1-4]: Hard of Hearing [-10]

Poor Hearing [5]: Deafness [-20]

Poor Vision [2]: Bad Sight (Near or Far; Mitigator: Glasses) [-10]

Poor Vision [4]: Bad Sight (Near or Far; no Mitigator!) [-25]

Poor Vision [6]: Blindness [-50]

Poverty [1] = Wealth (Poor) [-15]

Promotion [1]: see Rank

Property [1-5] (CO): Wealth with Independent Income

  Property [1]: Very Wealthy [30] + Independent Income 8 [8]

  Property [2]: Very Wealthy [30] + Independent Income 17 [17]

  Property [3]: Filthy Rich [50] + Independent Income 5 [5]

  Property [4]: Filthy Rich [50] + Independent Income 7 [7]

  Property [5]: Filthy Rich [50] + Independent Income 8 [8]

Proud Heritage [1] (CO): Social Regard (large state) 2 [7]

Proud Heritage [2] (CO): Social Regard  2 [10]

Quirk [1]: Quirk [-1]

Quirk [2]: About 10 points of  GURPS self-imposed mental disadvantages (Code of Honor, Disciplines of Faith, Fanaticism, Honesty, Intolerance, Sense of Duty, Trademark, Vow). Some quirks convert to other disadvantages.

  Example Quirks [2]:

  Bipolar: Manic-Depressive [-20]

  Daring, Gung-Ho, Overconfident: Overconfidence (12-) [-5]

  Debt of Honor, Loyalist, Loyalty: Sense of Duty [-2 to -20]

    [-2] Individual (Coordinator, Chancellor)

    [-5] Small Group (Noble fam, Society: ROM, Yakuza,  Military Unit)

    [-10] Large Group (House, Nation, Faction: Comstar, WOB)

  Dilettante: Short Attention Span [-10]

  Elitist, Elitism: Odious Personal Habit (Elitist) 2 [-10]

  Fanatic, Fanatic Loyalty: Fanaticism [-15]

  Fear of, Phobia, Scared of: Phobia (Various, 12-) [-5 to -15]

  Flashbacks, Traumatic Flashbacks: Flashbacks (Mild) [-5]

  Guilt: Gult Complex [-5]

  Hate: Intolerance [-1 to -10]

    [-1] Hate a rarely encountered group (Ummayyads)

    [-5] Hate a specific group of people (Liao, Politicians, Enemy)

    [-10] Hate all outsiders; Xenophobia

   Honor: Code of Honor [-5 to -15]

    [-5] Can't Resist a Challenge

    [-10] Clan Honor, Unable to Refuse a Fight

    [-15] Chivalric Code

  Hunted, Paranoia, Watched: Paranoia [-10]

  Independent-Minded, Stubborn: Stubbornness [-5]

  Jerk: Odious Personal Habit 2 [-10]

  Lost Love: Chronic Depression [-15]

  Opponent of, Out for Revenge, Vendetta, Vow: Vow [-5 to -15]

    [-5] individual of about equal level

    [-10] powerful individual or small group

    [-15] whole nation

  Pacifist: Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10]

  Psychotic, Psychosis, Sociopath: Sadism [-15]

  Schizophrenic: Split Personality [-15]

  Self-Doubt: Indecisive (12-) [-10]

  Temper: Bad Temper [-10]

Rank [1-10]: converts to GURPS Military Rank as follows

Trait Points  Enlisted Name      Rank       Officer Name        Rank

[1]           Hojuhei/Recruit    0 [0]      /Ensign             3 [15]

[2]           Heishi/Private     0 [0]      Chu-i/Lieutenant    3 [15]

[3]           Gunjin/PFC         0 [0]      Tai-i/Captain       4 [20]

[4]           Go-cho (Specialist)0 [0]      Sho-sa/Major        4 [20]

[5]           /Corporal          0 [0]                          5 [25]

[6]           Gunsho/Sergeant    1 [5]      Chu-sa (Lt Col)     5 [25]

[7]           Shujin (Staff Sgt) 1 [5]      Tai-sa/Colonel      6 [30]

[8]           Kashira (SFC)      1 [5]      Sho-sho             6 [30]

[9]           Sho-ko/Master Sgt  2 [10]     /Lt General         7 [35]

[10]          (Sgt Major)        2 [10]      Tai-sho/Major Gen  7 [35]

Shameful Heritage [1-2] (CO): See Stigma.

Sixth Sense [4]: Danger Sense [15]

Slow Learner [3]: Untalent (ALL) 1 [-30]

Stigma [1-2]: Social Stigma 3 [-15], this is if almost everybody treats you this way. For Stigmas that only apply vs a small group of people, reduce value by 5 points to [-10]. Stigmas that are particularly severe should be increased to level 4 [-20].

Tech Empathy [3] (CO): Talent (Tech Empathy) 2 [10]

  Tech Empathy: Engineering, Gunsmith, Technician

Thick Skinned [1] (CO): Temperature Tolerance 4 [4] + UB [6]

Thin Skinned [1] (CO): Vulnerability (Extreme Temperatures -

  Common, x2, Fatigue Only) [-15]

Timid [1]: Fearfulness 3 [-6]

Title [5-10]: if Title-2 is not equal to actual Status, apply a temporary -1

  (heir) to Status.

Toughness [3]: Damage Resistance (Tough Skin) 2 [10] + UB [15]

  This is the same as the GURPS 3E Toughness (2) advantage. The 15

  extra character points is an Unusual Background cost to get this Exotic

  advantage. Note that Tough Skin limitation does not reduce point cost

  because Tough Skin is meaningless if Damage Resistance is less than

  10. It is only included here for the special effect.

Transit Disorientation Syndrome [1]: Timesickness (Jump S) [-10]

Unhealthy [3] (CO): Unfit (Very) [-15]

Unattractive [1] = Appearance: Ugly [-8]

Unlucky [2] (CO): Unluckiness (-10)

Unlucky [+2] (CO): each +2 is -1 Luck (Edge), both current and max

Vehicle [1-10]: As is, converts to assigned vehicle weight

Wealth [1]: Wealth (Comfortable) [10]

Wealth [2-3]: Wealth (Wealthy) [20]

Wealth [4-5]: Wealth (Very Wealthy) [30]

Wealth [6-8]: Wealth (Filthy Rich) [50]

Wealth [9-10]: Wealth (Multimillionaire 1) [75]

Well-Connected [2]: Contact Group (important world or small group of

  worlds or Periphery realm; skill 12, 12-, somewhat reliable) [20]

Well-Connected [4]: Contact Group (large state; skill 12, 12-,

  somewhat reliable) [40]

Well-Connected [6]: Contact Group (Inner Sphere or Clans;

  skill 12, 12-, somewhat reliable) [60]

Well-Equipped [2-8]: As per MW3, standard Tech Level is C. Note that items above your base tech/availability/legality levels can be drastically more expensive if you can buy them at all. See Equipment.



Skill points assigned to a MW skill convert on a 1:1 basis to character points assigned to the corresponding GURPS skill. (CO) are skills found in the CBT Companion. Underlined advantages and disadvantages were specifically created for GURPS BattleTech.

Specializations: Some GURPS skills require specialization – if a skill says specialty then players can choose specific specialty or multiple specialties by splitting up points. Some MW skills will convert to a GURPS skill with a specific specialization in which case there is no choice.

One to Many Conversions: Some MW skills convert to multiple GURPS skills (usually because of prerequisites). Players can choose how to split up the skill points and players can choose to put all skill points in only one skill. Prerequisite (prereq) skills must get at lease one skill point if possible. It is recommended that skill points be split up more or less evenly, in which case Optional (opt) skills may be omitted.

Many to One Conversions: If multiple MW skills convert to the same GURPS skill, add up all the skill points and apply them to the GURPS skill.

Tech Level: Unless otherwise noted, TL skills are at the home TL of the character. For most Inner Sphere characters, the home TL is 8. See Tech Level.

[01] Academics: subskills not listed below usually convert to Expert Skill

  Agriculture: Farming (IQ/A)  Defaults: IQ-5, Biology-5, Gardening-3

  Anthropology: Anthropology (specialty) (IQ/H)

    Default: IQ-6, Paleontology (Paleoanthropology)-2, Sociology-3

  Archaeology: Archaeology (IQ/H)  Default: IQ-6

  Astronomy: Astronomy (Observational) (IQ/A)  Default: IQ-6

Astrophysics: Converts to the following skills:

    Astronomy (IQ/H)  Default: IQ-6

    prereq: Mathematics (Applied) (IQ/H)D: IQ-6, Engineer-5, Physics-5

  Biology: Biology (Earthlike) (IQ/VH)  Defaults: IQ-6, Naturalist-6

  Chemistry: Chemistry (IQ/H)  Defaults: IQ-6, Alchemy-3

  Economics: Economics (IQ/H)

    Defaults: IQ-6, Finance-3, Market Analysis-5, Merchant-6

  Geography: Geography (Physical, Earthlike) (IQ/H)

    Defaults: IQ-6, Geology (Earthlike)-4, Meteorology (Earthlike)-4

  Geology: Geology (Earthlike) (IQ/H)

    Defaults: IQ-6, Geography (Physical)-4, Prospecting-5

  History: History (specialty) (IQ/H)  Default: IQ-6

  Law: Law (specialty) (IQ/H)  Defaults: IQ-6

  Linguistics: see Linguistics skill

  Literature: Literature (IQ/H)  Default: IQ-6

  Math: Mathematics (specialty) (IQ/H)  Defaults: IQ-6 and others

  Metallurgy: Metallurgy (IQ/H)  Dflts: Chemistry-5, Jeweler-8, Smith-8

  Meteorology: Meteorology (Earthlike) (IQ/A)  Default: IQ-5

  Military Science: Expert Skill (Military Science) (IQ/H)  Dflts: None

  Mythology: Theology (specialty) (IQ/H)

    Defaults: IQ-6, Religious Ritual (same)-4

  Paleontology: Paleontology (specialty) (IQ/H) D: Biology-4 and others

  Philosophies (Capellan, of Peace, of War, and others):

    Philosophy (specialty) (IQ/H)  Default: IQ-6

  Physics: Physics (IQ/VH)  Default: IQ-6

    prereq: Mathematics (Applied) (IQ/H)D: IQ-6, Engineer-5, Physics-5

  Physiology (IQ/H)  Dflts: IQ-6, Diagnosis-5, Physician-5, Surgery-5

  Political Science: Expert Skill (Political Science) (IQ/H)  Dflts: None

  Psychology: Psychology (IQ/A)  Defaults: IQ-6, Sociology-4

  Sociology: Sociology (IQ/H)  D: IQ-6, Anthropology-3, Psychology-4

  Statistics: Mathematics (Statistics) (IQ/H)  D: IQ-6, Mathematics-5

  Teachings of Blake: Theology (Teachings of Blake) (IQ/H)

    Defaults: IQ-6, Religious Ritual (Teachings of Blake)-4

  Theology: Theology (specialty) (IQ/H)

    Defaults: IQ-6, Religious Ritual (same)-4

Acrobatics: Acrobatics (DX/H)  Default: DX-6

Acting: Acting (IQ/A)  Dflts: IQ-5, Performance-2, Public Speaking-5

Administration: Administration (IQ/A)  Default: IQ-5, Merchant-3

Animal Handling: Animal Handling (specialty) (IQ/A)  Dflt: IQ-5

Appraisal: Connoisseur (specialty) (IQ/A)  Default: IQ-4 and others


  Bow (DX/A)  Default: DX-5

  Crossbow (DX/E)  Default: DX-4

Artillery: Artillery (Cannon) (IQ/A)  Default: IQ-5

Art: subskills not listed below usually convert to Artist

  Architecture: Architecture (IQ/A)  Dflts: IQ-5, Engineering (Civil)-4

  Choreography: Group Performance (Choreography) (IQ/A)

    Defaults: IQ-5, Dancing-2

    prereq: Dancing (DX/A)  Default: DX-5

  Dance: Dancing (DX/A)  Default: DX-5

  Illustration: Artist (Drawing) (IQ/H)  Default: IQ-6 plus others

  Music Composition: Musical Composition (IQ/H)

    Defaults: Musical Instrument-2, Poetry-2

  Music Performance: Musical Instrument (specialty) (IQ/H)  D: special

  Oral Traditions: Public Speaking (IQ/A)

    Defaults: IQ-5, Acting-5. Performance-2, Politics-5

  Painting: Artist (Painting) (IQ/H)  Default: IQ-6 plus others

  Poetry: Poetry (IQ/A)  Defaults: IQ-5, Writing-5

  Sculpture: Artist (Sculpting) (IQ/H)  Default: IQ-6 plus others

  Singing: Singing (HT/E)  Default: HT-4

  Theatre: Performance (IQ/A)  Dflts: IQ-5, Acting-2, Public Speaking-2

  Writing: Artist (Calligraphy) (IQ/H)  Default: IQ-6 plus others

[10] Blades: Melee Weapon (Broadsword or Knife) (DX/varies)

  Defaults: special

Bombing: Artillery (Bombs) (IQ/A)  Default: IQ-5

Boxing (CO): Boxing (DX/A)  Defaults: None

Brawling: Brawling (DX/E)  Defaults: None

Bureaucracy: Politics (IQ/A)  Defaults: IQ-5, Diplomacy-5

  All subskills combine their skill points into Politics (but see below).

  Cultural Familiarity: Any regions common to all of Bureaucracy, Protocol, and Streetwise are automatically added as a cultural familiarity at the cost of 1 skill point in each skill.

  Note: organization-based subskills are treated as no subskills.

Career: subskills not listed below usually convert to Professional Skill

  Merchant: Merchant (IQ/A)  D: IQ-5, Finance-6, Market Analysis-4

  Politician: Politics (IQ/A)  Defaults: IQ-5, Diplomacy-5

  Ship's Crew: Crewman (Spacer) (IQ/E)  Default: IQ-4

  Soldier: Soldier (IQ/A)  Default: IQ-5

Chic (CO): Current Affairs (Popular Culture)  (IQ/E)

  Defaults: IQ-4, Research-4, Current Affairs-4

Climbing: Climbing (DX/A)  Default: DX-5


  Conventional: Electronics Operation (Communications) (IQ/A)

    Dflts: IQ-5, Electronics Repair (Comm)-5, Engineer (Electronics)-5

  HPG: Electronics Operation/TL10 (Communications) (IQ/A)

    Dflts: IQ-5, Electronics Repair/TL10 (Comm)-5


  Hacker: Computer Hacking (IQ/VH)  Defaults: None

    Note that the MW skill has a prereq of Computer/Operations.

    Therefore there is no need to add a prereq skill for Computer/Hacker.

  Operations: Computer Operations (IQ/E)  Default: IQ-4

  Programming: Computer Programming (IQ/H)  Defaults: None

[20] Cooking (CO): Cooking (IQ/A)  Default: IQ-5, Housekeeping-5

Cryptography: Cryptography (IQ/H)  Df: Mathematics (Cryptology)-5

Deception (CO): Fast-Talk (IQ/A)  Defaults: IQ-5, Acting-5


  Explosives (Demolition) (IQ/A)  Defaults: IQ-5, Explosives (EOD)-4

  Explosives (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) (IQ/A)

    Defaults: IQ-5, Explosives (Demolition)-4

Disguise: Disguise (IQ/A)  Defaults: IQ-5, Makeup-3

Electronic Counter-Measures (CO):

  Electronics Operation (Electronic Warfare) (IQ/A)

    Dflts: IQ-5, Electronics Repair (EW)-5, Engineer (Electronics)-5


  Engineer (specialty) (IQ/H)  Defaults: Special

    specialties: standard GURPS. Mech is considered a Vehicle Type.

  prereq: Mathematics (Applied) (IQ/H)  D: IQ-6, Engineer-5, Physics-5

Escape Artist: Escape (DX/H)  Default: DX-6

Fast Talk: Fast-Talk (IQ/A)  Defaults: IQ-5, Acting-5

First Aid: First Aid (IQ/E)

  Defaults: IQ-4, Esoteric Medicine, Physician, Veterinary-4

[30] Forgery: Forgery (IQ/H)  Defaults: IQ-6, Counterfeiting-2

Forward Observer (CO): Forward Observer (IQ/A)

  Defaults: IQ-5, Artillery-5, Electronics Operation-5

Free Fall: Parachuting (DX/E)  Default: DX-4

Gambling: Gambling (IQ/A)  Dflts: IQ-5, Mathematics (Statistics)-5

Gunnery: categories are covered by GURPS familiarities

  Ballistic: Gunner (Cannon) (DX/E)  Default: DX-4

  Laser: Gunner (Beam) (DX/E)  Default: DX-4

  Missile: Gunner (Rockets) (DX/E)  Default: DX-4

Gunsmith: Armoury (Small Arms) (IQ/A)

  Default: IQ-5, Engineer (Small Arms)-4, Machinist-5

Hunting/Tracking: Combine both subskills into Tracking

  Tracking (Per/A)  Dflts: Perception-3, Naturalist-5

Interest: subskills not listed below usually convert to Hobby Skill

  Animal Calls: Mimicry (specialty) (IQ/H)  Defaults: IQ-6 and others

  Bartending: Professional Skill (Bartending) (IQ/A)

    Defaults: IQ-5, Carousing-3

  Bicycling: Bicycling (DX/E)  Defaults: DX-4, Driving (Motorcycle)-4

  Falconry: Falconry (IQ/A)  Dflts: IQ-5, Animal Handling (Raptors)-3

  Fishing: Fishing (Per/E)  Default: Perception-4

  Fortune Telling: Fortune Telling (specialty) (IQ/A)

    Defaults: IQ-5, Fast-Talk-3, Occultism-3

  Games: Games (specialty) (IQ/E)  Default: IQ-4

  Gardening: Gardening (IQ/E)  Defaults: IQ-4, Farming-3

  Hiking: Hiking (HT/A)  Default: HT-5

  Homemaker: Housekeeping (IQ/E)  Default: IQ-4

  Meditation: see Meditation skill

  Photography: Photography (IQ/A)

    Defaults: IQ-5, Electronics Operation (Media)-5

  Sewing: Sewing (DX/E)  Default: DX-4

  Sex: Erotic Art (DX/A)  Defaults: DX-5, Acrobatics-5

  Skating: Skating (HT/H)  Default: HT-6

  Skiing: Skiing (HT/H)  Default: HT-6

  Sport: Sports (specific sport) (IQ/A)

    Default: DX-5 or ST-5, depending on the sport

  Weapon/Combat Exhibition: Combat Art (DX/Varies)  Default: Special

  Weapon/Combat Competition: Combat Sport (DX/Varies)  D: Special

Interrogation: Interrogation (IQ/A)

  Defaults: IQ-5, Intimidation-3, Psychology-4

Intimidation: Intimidation (Will/A)  Defaults: Will-5, Acting-3

[40] Investigation (CO):

  Criminology (IQ/A)  Defaults: IQ-5, Psychology-4

  Forensics (IQ/H)  Defaults: IQ-6, Criminology-4

Jump Packs: Piloting (Flight Pack) (DX/A)

  Defaults: IQ-6, Piloting (Vertol)-4, Piloting-5


  Subskills: Arabic, Cantonese (CO), English, French, Gaelic, German,

  Greek, Hindi. Italian. Japanese. Latin (CO), Mandarin,

  Mongolian (CO), Romanian, Russian, Slovak (CO), Spanish,

  Swedenese, Swedish, Urdu, Vietnamese (CO)

  Convert MW Language Skill Points to GURPS Language

  Comprehension Levels as follows:

   MW 0 = No Knowledge [0]

   MW 1 = Broken speaking [1]

   MW 2 = Broken speaking and writing [2]

   MW 3 = Accented speaking, broken writing [3]

   MW 4 = Accented speaking and writing [4]

   MW 5 = Native speaking, accented writing [5]

   MW 6+ = Native speaking and writing [6]

   Note that after conversion characters get another six points to become

   fluent in their native language and English. See Template.

Leadership:  Leadership (IQ/A)  Default: IQ – 5

Linguistics (CO): Linguistics (IQ/H)  Defaults: None

Martial Arts: This is one are where MechWarrior 3E is much more

    detailed than GURPS 4E Basic Set. In general, sweep/defensive

    styles convert to Judo; strike/attack styles convert to Karate; mixed

    styles conver to both.

  Aikido: Judo (DX/H)  Defaults: None

  Battlesuit: Battlesuit (IQ/A)

    Defaults: DX-5, NBC Suit-2, Vacc Suit-2, Diving Suit-4

  Gung Fu/Crane: Judo (DX/H)  Defaults: None

  Gung Fu/Praying Mantis: Judo and Karate

  Gung Fu/Tiger: Karate (DX/H)  Defaults: None

  Gung Fu/Dragon: Judo (DX/H)  Defaults: None

  Gung Fu/Snake: Judo and Karate

  Gung Fu/Leopard: Karate (DX/H)  Defaults: None

  Gung Fu/Wing Chun: Judo and Karate

  Karate: Karate (DX/H)  Defaults: None

  Kashima Shinryu (Kenjutsu): Broadsword (DX/A)  Default: various

  Military: Judo and Karate

  Ninjitsu (Bujinkan): Karate (DX/H)  Defaults: None

  Tae Kwon Do: Karate (DX/H)  Defaults: None

Meditation (CO): Meditation (Will/H)  Dflts: Will-4, Autohypnosis-4


  Diagnosis (IQ/H)  Dflts: IQ-6, First Aid-8, Physician-4, Veterinary-5

  Physician (IQ/H)  Defaults: IQ-7, First Aid-11, Veterinary-5

  opt: Pharmacy (Synthetic) (IQ/H)  D: IQ-6, Chemistry-5, Physician-5


  Air: Navigation (Air)  (IQ/A)

    Defaults: Astronomy-5, Navigation (Land or Sea)-2

  Ground: Navigation (Land)  (IQ/A)  Defaults: IQ-5, Cartography-4,

    Mathematics (Surveying)-4, Navigation (Air or Sea)-2

  Jump Drive: Navigation (Hyperspace)  (IQ/A)

    Dflts: Astronomy-4, Mathematics (Applied)-4, Navigation (Space)-5

  Naval: Navigation (Sea)  (IQ/A)

    Defaults: Astronomy-5, Navigation (Air or Land)-2, Seamanship-5

  Space: Navigation (Space)  (IQ/A)  Defaults: Astronomy-4,

    Mathematics (Applied)-4, Navigation (Jump Drive)-5


  Diplomacy (IQ/H)  Defaults: IQ-6 or Politics-6

  Merchant (IQ/A)  Defaults: IQ-5, Finance-6, Market Analysis-4

[50] Perception: Skill points add to Perception attribute (5/level)


  Aero: Piloting (Aerospace) (DX/A)

    Defaults: IQ-6, Piloting (High-Performance Airplane)-2, Piloting-4

  Aircraft: Piloting (High-Performance Airplane) (DX/A)

    D: IQ-6, Piloting (Aerospace, Hv Airplane, Lt Airplane)-2, Piloting-4

  Battlesuit: Battlesuit (IQ/A)

    Defaults: DX-5, NBC Suit-2, Vacc Suit-2, Diving Suit-4

  'Mech: Driving (Mecha)  (DX/A)

    Defaults: DX-5, IQ-5, Battlesuit-3, Driving (Quad)-2, Driving-5

  Hover: Driving (Hovercraft) (DX/A)

    Defaults: DX-5, IQ-5, Driving-5

  Jump: Shiphandling (Spaceship) (IQ/H)

    Defaults: IQ-6, Crewman (Spacer)-5, Piloting (any spaceship)-5

    prereq: Leadership, Navigation (Space), and Crewman (Spacer)

  Naval: Shiphandling (Ship) (IQ/H)

    Dflts: IQ-6, Crewman (Seamanship)-5, Boating (Large Powerboat)-5

    prereq: Leadership, Navigation (Sea), and Crewman (Seamanship)

  Spheroid: Piloting (High-Performance Spacecraft) (DX/A)

    Dflts: IQ-6, Piloting (Aerospace)-4, Piloting (Low-Perf Spacecraft)-2

  Sub: Submarine (Large Sub) (IQ/A)

    D: IQ-6, Submarine (Free-Flooding Sub)-5, Submarine (Mini-Sub)-4

  Tracked: Driving (Tracked) (DX/A)

    Defaults: DX-5, IQ-5, Driving (Halftrack)-2, Driving-4

  Quad: Driving (Quad)  (DX/A)

    Defaults: DX-5, IQ-5, Battlesuit-3, Driving (Mecha)-2, Driving-5

  VTOL: Piloting (Helicopter) (DX/A)

    Defaults: IQ-6, Piloting (Autogyro)-2, Piloting (Vertol)-4, Piloting-5


    Driving (Heavy Wheeled)  (DX/A)

      Defaults: DX-5, IQ-5, Driving (Automobile)-2, Driving-4

    opt: Driving (Automobile)  (DX/A)

      Defaults: DX-5, IQ-5, Driving (Heavy Wheeled)-2, Driving-4

    opt: Driving (Motorcycle)  (DX/A)

      Defaults: DX-5, IQ-5, Bicycling-4

Pick Pocket (CO): Pickpocket (DX/H)

  Defaults: DX-6, Filch-5, Sleight of Hand-4


  Beam Weapons (Pistol) (DX/E)

    Defaults: DX-4, Beam Weapons-4, Guns (Pistol)-4

  Guns (Pistol) (DX/E)  Default: DX-4 and others

  opt: Guns (Gyroc) (DX/E)  Default: DX-4 and others

  opt: Liquid Projector (Flamethrower) (DX/E)  Default: DX-4

Poisons and Antidotes (CO): Poisons (IQ/H)

  Defaults: IQ-6, Chemistry-5, Pharmacy-3, Physician-3

Protocol: Savoir-Faire (specialty) (IQ/E) Default IQ – 4 and others

  Organization-based subskills convert to Savoir-Faire specializations.

  Regional-based subskills are treated as for Cultural Familiarity, below.

  Extra regional-based subskill points can be put in anywhere.

  Cultural Familiarity: Any regions common to all of Bureaucracy,

    Protocol, and Streetwise are automatically are added as a cultural

    familiarity at the cost of 1 skill point in each skill.

Pugilism (CO): adds to any existing hand-to-hand combat skill, or

  Boxing (DX/A)  Defaults: None, if the character has no h-to-h skills.

Quickdraw: Fast Draw (specialty) (DX/E)  Defaults: None

Read Lips (CO): Lip Reading (Per/A)  Default: Perception-10

Reconnaissance (CO): Observation (Per/A) Dflts: Per-5, Shadowing-5

[60] Riding:

  Riding (specialty) (DX/A)  Dflts: DX-5, Animal Handling (same)-3

  Teamster (specialty) ((IQ/A)

    Defaults: IQ-5, Animal Handling (same)-4, Riding (same)-2


  Beam Weapons (Rifle) (DX/E)

    Defaults: DX-4, Beam Weapons-4, Guns (Rifle)-4

  Guns (Rifle) (DX/E)  Default: DX-4 and others

  opt: Guns (Gyroc) (DX/E)  Default: DX-4 and others

Running: Running (HT/A)  Default: HT-5

Scrounge: Scrounging (Per/E)  Default: Perception-4

Security Systems (CO):

  Electronic: Electronics Operation (Security) (IQ/A)

    Dflts: IQ-5, Electronics Repair (Security)-5, Engineer (Electronics)-5

  Mechanical: Lockpicking (IQ/A)  Default: IQ-5

Seduction: Sex Appeal (HT/A)  Default: HT-3

Sensor Operations: Electronics Operation (Sensors) (IQ/A)

  Dflts: IQ-5, Electronics Repair (Sensors)-5, Engineer (Electronics)-5

Shotguns: Guns (Shotgun) (DX/E)  Defaults: DX-4 and others

Staffs: Melee Weapon (Staff) (DX/A)  Defaults: DX-5,

  Polearm-4, Spear-2


  Camouflage (IQ/E)  Defaults: IQ-4, Survival-2

  Stealth (DX/A)  Default: DX – 5

[70] Strategy: Strategy (specialty) (IQ/H)

  Default: IQ-6, Intelligence Analysis-6, Tactics-6

Streetwise: Streetwise (IQ/A)  Default: IQ-5

  All subskills combine their skill points into Streetwise (but see below).

  Cultural Familiarity: Any regions common to all of Bureaucracy,

  Protocol, and Streetwise are automatically are added as a cultural

  familiarity at the cost of 1 skill point in each skill.

Submachine Guns: Guns (Submachine Gun) (DX/E)

  Defaults: DX-4 and others

Support Weapons:

  Beam Weapons (Projector) (DX/E)  Defaults: DX-4, Beam Weapons-4

  Guns (Grenade Launcher) (DX/E)  Defaults: DX-4 and others

  Guns (Light Anti-Armor Weapon) (DX/E)  Defaults: DX-4 and others

  Guns (Light Maching Gun) (DX/E)  Defaults: DX-4 and others

  opt: Liquid Projector (Flamethrower) (DX/E)  Default: DX-4

Surgery: Surgery (IQ/VH)

  Defaults: First Aid-12, Physician-5, Physiology-8, Veterinary-5

  prereq: First Aid or Physician

Surveillance (CO)

  Electronics Operation (Surveillance) (IQ/A)

    D: IQ-5, Electronics Repair (Surveillance)-5, Engineer (Electronics)-5

  opt: Shadowing (IQ/A)  D: IQ-5, Observation-5, Stealth-4 (on foot)

Survival: Survival (planet + specialty) (Per/A)

  Defaults: Perception-5, Naturalist (same planet)-3

Swimming: Swimming (HT/E)  Default: HT-4

Tactics: Take one skill point from each Tactics subskill and apply to

    Strategy as follows:

  Air: Strategy (Air)

  Mech, Infantry, Ground: Strategy (Land)

  Space: Strategy (Space)

  Naval: Strategy (Naval)

    Remaining points are applied to the Tactics skill:

  Tactics (IQ/H)  Defaults: IQ-6, Strategy-6

Technician: MechWarrior has too many technician subskills, some of

    which overlap. It's not clear what skill to use to fix some edge cases.

    We will standardize on the following GURPS skills, noting that

    we're concentrating on BattleTech-level repairs:

  Armoury (Heavy Weapons): all Ballistic, Laser, Missile, and

    Artillery weapon systems mounted on a vehicle.

  Armoury (Melee Weapons): Sword, Hatchet, and Mace

  Armoury (Vehicular Armor): Armor

  Electronics Repair (Computers): Artemis IV FCS, C3,

    Targeting Computers, and TAG

  Electronics Repair (Electronic Warfare): Beagle and Guardian

  Electronics Repair (Sensors): Sensors

  Mechanic (Diesel Engine): ICE

  Mechanic (Fusion Reactor): Engine

  Mechanic (Legged): Actuators,Triple Strength Myomer,Body Sections

  Mechanic (Reactionless Thrusters): Rotor damage to VTOLs

  Mechanic (Rockets): Hover damage to Hover Vehicles

  Mechanic (Tracked): Track damage to Tracked Vehicles

  Mechanic (Wheeled): Wheel damage to Wheeled Vehicles

  Mechanic (Internals): CASE, Heat Sinks, Internal Structure, Gyro,

    Life Support, Turret Damage and everything else not covered by

    the above skills

  Aeronautics: Mechanic (Internals)

  Ballistics: Armoury (Heavy Weapons)

  Communications: Electronics Repair (Electronic Warfare, Sensors)

  Electronics: Electronics Repair (Computers)

  Fusion: Mechanic (Fusion Reactor)

  ICE: Mechanic (Diesel Engine)

  Interplanetary: Mechanic (Fusion Reactor)

  Jet: Mechanic (Rockets)

  Jump Drive: Mechanic (Fusion Reactor)

  Lasers: Armoury (Heavy Weapons)


    Armoury (Vehicular Armor),

    Mechanic (Rockets, Tracked, Wheeled, Internals)

  Missile: Armoury (Heavy Weapons)

  Myomer: Mechanics (Legged)

  Rotor: Mechanic (Reactionless Thrusters)

  Support: Mechanic (Internals)

[80] Throwing Weapons:

  Throwing (DX/A)  Defaults: DX-3 or Dropping-4

  Thrown Weapon (Knife) (DX/E)  Defaults: DX-4

Tracking: Tracking (Per/A)  Dflts: Perception-3, Naturalist-5

Training: Teaching (IQ/A)  Default: IQ-5

Whips: Melee Weapon (flail and whips skills) (DX/varies) Dflt: Spec

Zero-G Operations: Free Fall (DX/A)  Defaults: DX-5, HT-5