GURPS BattleTech GM Notes



-- Johan’s secret enemy is the ghost of Yoni. She is jealous of her replacement. Eventually she will also target the other players. In the future Yoni will partner up with Rat-thulhu cultists.

-- Give him priest advantages?

-- Amakurikara unknown powers: Soul Jar (if wielder dies)


-- Use bonus points to get Magery (Healing) to 80



Earth: Cheyenne SG presumably destroyed when PCs (Rowe) detonated a nuclear bomb to stop a Goa’uld invasion (retcon: Goa’uld are a Cow servant race). Antarctica SG probably still missing.

Altair: SG in mountain complex of Altairan Royal Research Center (ARRC). Being studied by Izzy Finch.

Volturnus: SG in Eorna complex.

Stars End: SG somewhere there. Hinted at in news of first campaign. Not found.

-- SG found and moved to Altair. Will move to Sirius when Wrigs takes throne.

-- Enroute to Sirius.


√ Go to Stars End, campaign to recover Stargate

√ Nocturnum

√ Go to Sirius, campaign to conquer planet for Wrigs

War of 3039: Starts in April, ends in October, Defend Altair

GURPS Operation Endgame

Wedding of Selena Kyle and Clyde Brown

Doom the Boardgame Expansion