DCA #11 vs Demolition Team
DCA #11 vs Demolition Team
Podcast: 2 hours, 54 MB AAC
Christopher: Tek Titan
Corina: Reda Robotica
Dave S: Sir Galahad
Dave W: Radson
Sophia: Mystic S
Jun 9, 2018. Our heroes have been invited to be guests of San Francisco Comic Con [ https://sanfrancomiccon.com ] [ https://web.archive.org/web/20180423053427/https://sanfrancomiccon.com ] at the Oakland Convention Center [ http://www.oaklandconventioncenter.com/ ]. They get to answer a few panel questions before the Demolition Team [ http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Demolition_Team_(New_Earth) ] [ http://www.writeups.org/rosie-demolition-team-dc-comics/ ] appears. They've been hired to kill the heroes and immediately attack.
Mystic S vs Rosie - leader vs leader zapping each other until Rosie goes down
Radson vs Hardhat - battle to a standstill
Reda Robotica vs Scoopshovel - robots keep Scoop occupied until Mystic S helps out
Sir Galahad vs Steamroller - Galahad matador's Steamroller into a wall, injuring Jonathan Frakes
Tek Titan vs Jackhammer - Tek leads Jack outside and knocks him out in front of Endgame [ http://www.endgameoakland.com ]
Christopher: Acrobatics (Aerobatics)
Corina: Tactics
Dave S: Free Point
Dave W: Public Speaking
Sophia: Searing Spear
Saturday, April 28, 2018
#161. DCA #11 - vs Demolition Team