Horseclans Collection


[Replaced with v5 Horseclans Collection page]


     1975 1P    PBk    01. The Coming of the Horseclans

     1976 9P    PBk    02. Swords of the Horseclans

     1977 1P    PBk    03. Revenge of the Horseclans

     1979 8P    PBk    04. A Cat of Silvery Hue

     1979 5P    PBk    05. The Savage Mountains

     1980 6P    PBk    06. The Patrimony

     1981 1P    PBk    07. Horseclans Odyssey

     1981 1P    PBk    08. Death of a Legend

     1982 4P    PBk    09. The Witch Goddess

     1982 5P    PBk    10. Bili the Axe

     1983 3P    PBk    11. Champion of the Last Battle

     1983 1P    PBk    12. A Woman of the Horseclans

     1985 1P    PBk    13. Horses of the North

     1986 1P    PBk    14. A Man Called Milo Morai

     1986 1P    PBk    15. The Memories of Milo Morai

     1987 1P    PBk    16. Trumpets of War

     1987 1P    PBk    17. Madman's Army

     1988 1P    PBk    18. The Clan of the Cats

     1987 1P    PBk    Friends of the Horseclans

     1989 1P    PBk    Friends of the Horseclans II