Mouse Guard #5
Mouse Guard #5
Mouse Guard #5
Donald K - Millicent, recruit, science mouse (tenderfoot)
Eric F - Thursten, leader mouse (patrol leader)
Kevin W - Feelver, old, lazy mouse (patrol guard)
Next Spring the squad returns to New Lonepine to stop a Weasel invasion. As we arrived the Lonepiners have arrested the seamstress and want us to punish her as a traitor. Without proof we have them let the seamstress go.
Millicent and Thursten talk to the Beavers. Apparently the husband is quite lazy. Then squirrels attack trying to tear down the Beaver dam. Millicent and Thursten barely beat them off but are quite scraped up.
Feelver wants to start a militia and asks the town mayor for permission. The mayor says it's ok as long as he is in charge of the militia. Feelver talks to Thursten who doesn't want the mayor in charge of the militia so they draw up a contract that allows Thursten to relieve the mayor of command.
The lake is strangely muddied. Millicent converts her armor into a leaky diving suit and takes a look. She sees a tunnel entrance near Old Lonepine, perhaps recently collapsed from the weight of the lake. Perhaps it's a secret Weasel tunnel?
While we're trying to decide what to do, suddenly the Weasels attack! They use hang gliders to glide into the village where a furious fight ensues. We're losing but suddenly a mercenary mouse and his cohorts arrive (he's rival of Mary's mouse). They save the day and for that Thursten appoints him new mayor of Lonepine.
Later the young Weasel we met in the last episode shows up. He explains that the Weasels wanted an artifact buried under Old Lonepine. Since the attack failed, if Billy retrieves the artifact without bloodshed he'll be a Big Weasel On Campus. We retrieve the artifact and Billy leaves.
The End.
Tuesday, July 26, 2016