Turn 1.1: May 1, 1982
British Troop Transports: Somewhat important since you can’t shift troops around once the game starts. The first two small transports (St Edmunds and Norland) will go in first to secure a beachhead and start setting up AA defenses. I’m sending them in on the 21st, hopefully before the Argies man the beaches so in general I’m sending the weaker troops in first and letting the commandoes come in last (probably against defended beaches).
Turn 1
B. Weather: 5 - Grey (No Modifiers)
C.Events: #31 “... we’ll be out as long as it takes...”
Dockworkers dispute. I can either lose one Domestic Opinion or lose one reinforcing surface warship. Browsing through the events in general Domestic and International Opinion fall rather than rise. Since I can sacrifice an escort I’ll do that.
The last escorts arrive on May 23rd, 5 close range and 2 long range. The Type 21s are obviously worse than the Leanders so I sacrifice HMS Active.
D.Situation Report: #1
Air Alert Assessment: Level 2
Airbase INTEL Analysis:
Trelew 1-10
Argentine Air Effort Assessment: Light AEA (1)
E.Task Force Deployment
E.b. Submarines: I decide to concentrate the subs on the coast since no Argie naval vessels are out at sea.
Thursday, May 06, 2010