Klaus (2019)
Klaus (2019)
Netflix animated holiday film. Postmaster's wayward son Jesper (Jason Schwartzman) is sent to the lonely post office in Smeerensburg on a small island. There he discovers that nobody sends letters and instead two rival families engage in a centuries-old feud.
Although Jesper tries hard he can't get a foothold. Eventually he meets the mysterious woodsman Klaus (JK Simmons) who has a shack full of home made toys. Through machinations and fate Jesper is forced to deliver a toy to a little kid and that starts a rumor in the kid community: send a letter through the postal system and get a toy in return.
As the movie goes on and the toy deliveries continue we start getting more and more trappings of Christmas. For example Jesper gets the bad kids to stop harassing him by telling them that Klaus sees everything and keeps a naughty list.
The townspeople's animosity thaws and everyone becomes friendly. But the leaders of the two factions don't want peace and decide to stop Jesper and Klaus...
This is a good family movie and I found it entertaining and neat how the origins of Christmas is a postal system conspiracy to drum up more business.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019