The Elephant Queen (2019)
The Elephant Queen (2019)
Apple TV+ documentary about a herd of female elephants (males live in their own herds) as they travel from the Kingdom, where there is lots of food and water until the water dries up, to the Refuge, where there is water during the dry time but little food, and back.
It's told as a story of Athena, the Queen, as she leads her dozen or so elephants. Focus on the children as they cope with the drought and migration. Also the various animals that co-habit the Kingdom and how they are affected by elephants (for example elephants change the water hole environment which tends to help other animals).
Cinematography is top-notch. Chiwetel Ejiofor narrates and it's well done and a good story. This kind of reminds me of old nature documentaries that went out of their way to tell a story. Really gets you involved in the animals.
Overall an excellent documentary.
Wednesday, December 04, 2019