Location: Woo's house
Date: Sat Nov 18 2023
Audio: dnd.006.mp3
Borin Ironheart, Fighter 1 (David S)
Johnny, Halfling 1 (Jonathan)
Khidell Krisra, Lawful Cleric 1 (David W)
Kit, Lawful Magic-user 1 (Christopher Jr)
Megolas, Neutral Elf 1 (Christopher Sr)
Myrbelle, Lawful Dwarf 1 (Corina)
Thunder, Neutral Thief 1 (Sophia)
Borin hears that bandit leader commited suicide. He talks his way into prison but doesn't discover anything.
PCs travel to NE hex and search for Caves of Chaos. They find the caves late in the day.
Borin: Cave J has a tribe of gnolls (2 HD) numbering about a dozen.
Megalos: Cave A has a tribe of kobolds (1/2 HD) of about 4 dozen in number.
Kit: The kobold chief has a ring that he uses to talk with his pets.
Myrbelle: Cave E is probably easist for the party as it has a solitary ogre (4+1 HD) that should succumb to Kit's sleep spell.
PCs go into Cave A. They check for traps and find a pit. Jumping over the pit they fight the kobold sentries and defeat them. The surviving sentries tell the PCs where their chief is.
PCs head to chief's room and are shot at by his guards. They charge and defeat the guards. Myrbelle imitates a kobold guard saying that the invaders have been defeated. The chief comes out of his room and is stabbed a bunch.
PCs get a 1200 gp necklace that also has Speak with Pets (constant) and is a Charm of Evil Chaos.
Group luck: 5 + 1 = 6
Borin: 2
Johnny: 2
Khidell: 1
Kit: 1
Megolas: 1
Myrbelle: 2 -1 to reroll jump over pit = 1
Thunder: 2
Gold (1200 gp necklace + 131 gp): 1331 xp
12 kobold sentries (1/2 HD) x5 = 65 xp
3 kobold guards (1+1 HD) x15 = 45 xp
kobold chief (2 HD) x20 = 20 xp
Extra xp = 20 xp (mis-added above and gave an extra 20 xp)
Total = 1481 xp / 7 = 212 xp per PC
Cjr: 1200 gp necklace
Others: 23.5 gp
Day 17: After PCs leave surviving kobolds flee to the surrounding forest.