Location: W3's House
Date: Sat Oct 12 2024
Audio: dnd.018.mp3
Borin Ironheart, Fighter 3 (David S) [Not present]
Johnny, Halfling 3 (Jonathan) [ 1/2 xp ]
Khidell Krisra, Lawful Cleric 3 (David W)
Kit, Lawful Magic-user 3 (Christopher Jr)
Megolas, Neutral Elf 2 (Christopher Sr)
Myrbelle, Lawful Dwarf 2 (Corina) [Not present]
Thunder, Neutral Thief 3 (Sophia) [ 1/2 xp ]
In the morning the Red-Blade goblins attack. Their chief, Gnhass, and two bodyguards try to hack down a door in the NW whilst another bodyguard leads a couple dozen goblins with five scaling ladders against the Eastern wall of the main hall.
Khidell, Johnny and Thunder are busy in the main hall pushing down ladders and later a fighting retreat into the tower where they bar the door.
Megolas and his charmed goblin bodyguard Cleave-O face off against Gnhass. Megolas casts Sleep and gets all three goblins. They then kill the chief, but off his head, and Megolas to the other goblins who then flee in terror.
Kit and his goblin apprentice Al try to sneak off and make a break for the river. Unfortunately they are captured.
Borin and Myrbelle are sent after Kit (captured by Wolfskulls?).
Khidell, Megolas, Johnny and Thunder go after the horses. They find a battle site with dead goblins and horses. They flee from six oil beetles and see a goblin girl running away whom they chase down. She says the Viper goblins took the remaining horses SE to sell.
Later they reach Miss L. Fyordorll, Equine Entrepeneur. She claims she bought the horses for 50 gp each and if repaid she will return the horses at cost. They agree and pay her immediately, intending to get the gold back from the Vipers, and convince her to take the horses to Sukiskyn (24 surviving S horses, 8 other riding horses and 2 war horses are still hers to sell).
The goblin girl tells them where the Vipers live and in turn they let her go.
PCs and their allies took no damage.
luck 2:
hp 23 -6 = 17:
luck 4:
hp 18:
luck 2:
hp 16 -4 = 12:
sp 3:
recover sp: sleep, midnight, sunrise
luck 1:
hp 10:
sp 4:
recover sp: sleep, midnight, sunrise, noon
Al "AF" Foyle, Kit's Apprentice, Former Wolfskull Goblin
AC 6; HD 1-1; hp 4; MV 90' (30'); #AT 1 hand axe; D 1d6;
Save NM; ML 8; AL C; xp 5; THAC0 19; 1d6 gp
hp 4:
luck 2:
hp 11 -1 = 10:
sp 2: -1 (sleep)
recover sp: sleep, midnight
Cleave-O, Charmed Wolfskull Goblin Bodyguard
AC 6; HD 2; hp 9; MV 90'(30'); #AT 1 battle axe; D 1d8;
Save F2; ML 10; AL C; xp 20; THAC0 18; 2d20 gp
Charmed on day 2.7, next save 2.14
hp 9 -1 = 6:
luck 1:
hp 13:
luck 4:
hp 14 -3 = 11:
Kloss (goblin king) + dire wolf
3 goblin bodyguards + dire wolves
9 goblins (HD 1-1, hp 4) + dire wolves (HD 4+1, hp 16)
13 goblins (HD 1-1, hp 4)
Wolfskulls left and were not involved in the fighting.
Gnhass (goblin king)
AC 6; HD 3; hp 15; MV 90' (30'); #AT 1 battle axe +1; D 1d8+1;
Save F3; ML 12; AL C; xp 35; THAC0 17
35 gp, two bloodstone earrings (1OO gp each), and a battle axe +1.
hp 15 -2 -3 +1 = 11 -9 = dead (Megolas)
35 gp
3 goblin bodyguards
AC 6; HD 2; hp 9; MV 90'(30'); #AT 1 battle axe; D 1d8;
Save F2; ML 10; AL C; xp 20; THAC0 18; 2d20 gp
dead bodyguards: 2 (21 gp)
28 goblins (HD 1-1 hp 4)
AC 6; HD 1-1; hp 4 each; MV 90' (3O'); #AT 1 short sword; D 1d6
Save NM; ML 7 (9 with leader); AL C; xp 5 each; THAC0 19; 1d6 gp
wounded goblins: 3
dead goblins: 2 (8 gp)
16 gp each (Jonathan, Thunder, Khidell, Megolas)
battle axe +1 --> sword +1 (100 gp jeweled pommel) (Megolas)
6 oil beetles: AC 4; HD 2*; hp 8 each; MV 120' (40');
#AT 1 bite + oil squirt; D 1-6 + blisters (-2 to hit for 24 hours);
Save F1; ML 8; AL N; xp 25 each; THACO 18
Viper goblin: AC 6; HD 1-1; hp 3; MV 90' (30');
#AT 1 war hammer or 1 thrown dagger; D 1d6 or 1d4;
Save NM; ML 6; AL C; xp 5; THACO 19;
Fyodorll - Bandit Leader: AC 1; E4; hp 17; MV 120' (40');
#AT 1 sword or 1 arrow; D 1d8 or 1d6; Save E4; ML9; AL N;
xp 175; THACO 17 or 14 - R 70/140/210.
Abilities: S9, 115, W10, D18, Cll, Chl6
Clothing: Blue robe over chain mail +1, a ring (value - 210gp).
Gear: sword, longbow, arrows, scroll with floating disc (x2), 25pp (in a belt pouch).
1st level - sleep, ventriloquism
2nd level - ESP, levitate
Appearance: Elven female, age 120, tall, fair; has a surprisingly deep voice.
4 bandits: AC 6 (leather armour and Dex.); T3;
hp 7 each; MV 120' (40'); #AT 1 sword; D 1d6 (or 2d6 - backstab);
Save T3; ML 8; AL C; xp 35 each; THAC0 19 (or 15 - backstab)
32 riding horses: AC 7; HD 2; 10 each; MV 240' (80');
#AT 2 hooves; D 1-4/1-4; Save Fl; ML 7; AL N; THACO 18; EX51.
2 war horses: AC 7; HD 3; hp 1 5 each; M V 120'(40');
#AT 2 hooves; D 1-6/1-6; Save F2; ML 9; AL N; THACO 17; EX51.
Subtotal 165 xp
Subtotal 164 xp
Subtotal 420 xp
Total = 749 xp / 5 = 150 per share
Khidell, Kit, Megolas = 150 xp each
Johnny, Thunder, Al, Cleave-O = 75 xp each
16 gp each of 5 PCs
Sword +1 to Megolas
Combat Item = 1.0 points
Miscellaneous Item = 0.5 points
Spell Known = 1/2 cost of Combat/Misc
Charged Item = 1/2 cost of Combat/Misc
Potion/Scroll/1-shot item = 1/4 cost of Combat/Misc
Sword +1
Ring of Protection +1
Amulet of Protection from Law (+1 bonus AC/Saves, 500 GP)
Dagger +1
Amulet of Protection from Law (+1 bonus AC/Saves, 500 GP)
Amulet of Protection from Law (+1 bonus AC/Saves, 500 GP)
Gold Buckle of Climbing (160 GP, Orc Charm of Evil Chaos)
Ring of Turning +1 (+2 to turn undead attempt, 700 GP)
Dagger +1
Snake Staff (2500 gp)
Amulet of Protection from Law (+1 bonus AC/Saves, 500 GP)
Backpack with skeleton head (warns against backstab)
Book of Summoning Boris (1000 gp, see session 15 notes)
Necklace of Speak with Pets (1200 GP, Kobold Charm of Evil Chaos)
Additional Spells in Book: 2 misc (0.5 points)
Ring of Protection +1
Shield +1 (1500 gp)
Sword +1 (100 gp jeweled pommel)
Amulet of Protection from Law (+1 bonus AC/Saves, 500 GP)
Additional Spells in Book: 2 misc (0.5 points)
Plate Mail +1 (2500 gp)
Shield +1 (-2 to AC)
Amulet of Protection from Law (+1 bonus AC/Saves, 500 GP)
Owl Bear Cloak Hoodie (+2 to see/smell checks)
Wineskins with Quasqueton water (room 31)
Jewel Encrusted Goblet (1300 GP) - Protection from Undead 10m/day
Boots of Silent Walking (Gnoll Charm of Evil Chaos, 90% move silently, 450 gp)
Potion of Gaseous Form (0.125 points)
Potion of Stone to Flesh (5 doses) (0.25 points)
Short Sword of Meteoric Iron +1 (1d6+1 damage; 3 hp; to-hit roll of 1: -1 hp, at 0 hp must be repaired; 1/2 normal weight)
Amulet of Protection from Law (+1 bonus AC/Saves, 500 GP)