Location: Kevin's apartment
Date: Sat Oct 28 2023
Audio: dnd.005.mp3
Borin Ironheart, Fighter 1 (David S)
Johnny, Halfling 1 (Jonathan)
Khidell Krisra, Lawful Cleric 1 (David W)
Kit, Lawful Magic-user 1 (Christopher Jr)
Megolas, Neutral Elf 1 (Christopher Sr)
Myrbelle, Lawful Dwarf 1 (Corina) (not present)
Thunder, Neutral Thief 1 (Sophia)
Borin Ironheart joins party. Myrbelle has business and stays behind.
Head SW to Hex 0911. Search forest for bandits.
Ambushed by bandits (WIS -1 check to not be surprised). Lieutenant, 2 bowmen, 4 spearmen.
Leader and four spearmen arrive after a couple of rounds but by then most of the ambushing bandits are down.
A couple of bandits run away. Leader surrenders. PCs are unharmed.
Return to Keep.
Rudyard pays 50 gp. 16 GP on bandits. 130 GP (40% value) selling their equipment. ==> 196 GP total
32 GP each PC, 4 GP to party loot.
Group luck: 4 + 1 = 5
Borin: 3 -1 (reroll HP during chargen) = 2
Johnny: 2
Khidell: 1
Kit: 2 -1 (try to avoid being surprised during ambush) = 1
Megolas: 1
Myrbelle: 2
Thunder: 2
Gold (196 gp): 196 xp
Bandits: Fighters lvl 1 x11: 110 xp
Leader: Fighter lvl 2: 20 xp
Total = 326 xp / 6 = 54 xp per PC
Day 15: Bandit Leader is found poisoned in his jail cell.