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From the Personal Logs of Fabricarius of Verditious

I write this after having woken up from a most strange and unnerving dream. In this dream -- or perhaps a vision is more appropriate, I should ask Risus about it -- I found myself in a sort of underground man-made maze. A voice called out:

"Only one can escape by bringing two treasures to their home base."

Somehow, I could sense that other beings, much like myself, were also in this maze. The other competitors, I imagine. This otherworldly sense extended throughout this maze, for I *knew* where everything was, without having seen it. Much as if I had cast an IntŽllego- Terram magic.

A strange calmness enveloped me. No longer was I Fabricarius the timid, the indecisive. It is as if another persona took over, and I confidently moved throughout the maze. Meting out punishment and ruin to any who got in my way. Fortuitously for my opponents, they meekly stayed out of my path.
Victory was mine! Mine! I had captured two treasures and was in the midst of claiming total supremacy. But, alas, an odious denizen of this maze, a vile Troll, stole one one of my treasures while I watched in horror. I gave immediate chase, but in my prideful folly, I did not note one of the other challengers knavely sneak up behind me and blast my body with foul magics.

The pain of my "death" awoke me from my disturbing slumber. Now, as I sit in my study, writing down my thoughts, I cannot but think that this is a message from a higher power. Perhaps from the Lord Himself!

Could this be a warning? Have I been too obsessed with my Hermetic duties and thereby neglected my faith? Have I fallen from the true path? I shudder to think of what this omen portends of my future if I continue to ignore God.

Even the diabolist Albus has been a better Christian than I these past few months. I am afraid that I have indeed allowed the heathen Moslem sect of our covenant to corrupt my beliefs, and perhaps my very soul is in jeopardy. What did I do to prevent the carnage that recently erupted at the nearby monastery? We are ultimately responsible for that tragedy, and I blame myself for not doing more to stop it.

I have much to think about tonight and in the future...
Copyright (c) 1999 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: November 28, 2003 Page Last Updated: November 28, 2003