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It's cold today. Inside I mean. When it's really hot outside it seems that our building air conditioners work full-time and make it colder than normal. I think it's because some temperature thermometers are more affected by the heat, so while we're freezing here the thermometers are actually at their normal temperatures.

We hired a new person who started at the beginning of the month. Her name is Imju Byon and she's working under Sonali. Imju is from another Oracle group and I guess that's why we hired her as a Senior Developer. I didn't interview her so I don't know much about her other than her résumé. When Sonali introduced Imju to me, she was very quiet.

Back at home the neighbor's kid is really loud. Screams all the time. Actually I get the feeling he only screams when he wants something, which is pretty much all the time. They're these short high-pitched screams at cut off as soon as his demands are met. I get the feeling that kid is going to grow up quite spoiled. Even worse than RJ.

I decided that I should try to attend more ebMUG meetings. Haven't gone in a few months because of basketball. But the meetings are only once a month so I can skip basketball to go to a meeting. It turns out that I need to drop off the gaming stuff at Donald's place so it's a good thing I'm going to Berkeley Thursday night. Of course if I was playing basketball with Woo I could just give him the gaming stuff.

So I'm not gaming this weekend because I'm going home this weekend due to scheduling conflicts. Apparently we're not supposed to celebrate Mom's birthday early. It's bad luck -- so says Dad. Hmm, I don't remember this Chinese tradition but I guess it hasn't ever come up.
I mentioned this a couple of days ago, but I still want to run another GURPS campaign. It's probably because I haven't run much BattleTech. I think a Deadlands campaign would be good. It has lots of support and lots of premade adventures so it would theoretically be less work for me. Although in practice it can be a lot of work. Still, if I'm willing to run multi-session adventures it wouldn't be that much extra work, especially if I alternate with Eric.

Got a few more pages of the GURPS rules read. I still have almost 200 pages left to read. With the new edition of GURPS I'm going to try to read each release as it comes out. Exceptions will be supplements to older lines, like Traveller and Transhuman Space, though I think Traveller is the only major line still active. Transhuman Space and World War II are done except maybe as e23 PDF releases.

Speaking of PDFs, e23 might change my stance on PDFs and I might start buying GURPS related PDFs. I don't know yet since I haven't seen the quality of e23 materials. My general stance has always been "if a company doesn't want to put the money and resources into actually printing books then it's not worth buying." That will increasingly come under fire because of Print on Demand and really quality official PDFs.

There's Pyramid Online which has a lot of material. Hero Systems also has a bunch of stuff on PDF (mostly their Digital Hero magazine and an adventure or two). Definitely if it's print vs PDF I'll get the print version. For PDFs it should depend on quality. If a company puts in resources even though no printing costs, perhaps that is a good enough indication.

Copyright (c) 2004 Kevin C. Wong
Page Created: September 8, 2004
Page Last Updated: September 8, 2004