Townhall Open Format
1. People think you're wishy-washy. Reply?
K. Wishy-washy reputation is just campaign rhetoric.
K. Patriot Act - don't like implementation.
K. No Child Left Behind - President underfunded it.
B. K against Hussein but said Iraq a mistake.
B. A President must be firm and consistent.
2. Iraq had knowledge of WMD, why invade when other countries also have
B. Each case is different.
B. In Iraq, diplomatic efforts/sanctions were not working.
K. Bush rushed Iraq war, I would have brought more allies.
B. Did what I could. UN not working so we had to invade.
K. Sanctions objective were to remove WMD, not Hussein.
3. Proceed with same Iraq plans as Bush (government/withdrawal)?
K. I have a different plan.
K. Reach out to allies.
K. Give concessions even if allies didn't support war.
B. K plan same as B plan.
B. Allies will not follow a President who says this was the wrong war.
K. Right war was Bin Laden and Afghanistan.
B. War on terror is not just Bin Laden.
4. Plans to
repair relationships with other countries?
B. Ronald Reagan was unpopular.
B. I think I'm doing the right thing.
K. President rushed to war and broke his word.
B. We sent enough troops to win the war.
K. But not enough to win the peace.
5. Iran, nuclear weapons. If sanctions don't work, then what?
K. Iran threat has grown while we were focused on Iraq.
K. North Korea also has nuclear weapons.
K. (Apparently, if sanctions don't work, will try more sanctions.)
B. Iran: Western alliance to pressure Iran.
B. North Korea: bilateral talks bad, multinational talks better.
6. Maintain high military presence without instituting a draft?
B. No draft! All-volunteer army works.
B. Shift troops out of Korea and Europe where they're not needed.
B. Station troops on US instead of worldwide.
K. These 5 generals support me.
K. Guards and Reserves are on almost continuous active duty.
K. Add 40k active duty forces to military.